chapter 10

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they had been driving for like 5 minutes

"hey when's the last time you ate"
he asked her.
she looked down
oh here it goes. a few months ago bailey came clean to maddy about how eating is a little bit of a struggle in baileys day to day life. maddy has been nothing but helpful and supportive to bailey even since she found out. maddy dealt with that for a little bit a few years back. she has been so good to bailey. but maddy only found out because bailey passed out cold right before cheer practice in the locker room where it was just her and maddy in. maddy was concerned about why she passed out and bailey knew she had to tell someone,so she told maddy.she made maddy promise not to tell nate. she trusted maddy. and as much as maddy thought that nate should know because she knew nate would know how to help bailey she knew bailey really didn't want nate to know,so she kept her mouth shut.

(authors note: if you struggle with eating or you have an eating disorder,please know you're not alone. you can dm me at any time. i've struggled with eating disorders and i know people who have. and it sucks. but please reach out. i love you ❤️)


"um this morning?"
she said trying to make him stop asking
he would've just listened but he could clearly see she was hiding something.

he said
"you weren't awake this morning. we woke up at 4 in the afternoon."

she looked down

she looked back up
"oh then um last night"

"bailey that's not true,you didn't eat last night. you were drinking all night and didn't eat. now i'm gonna ask you again when is the last time you ate bailey?"

she looked down
"um yesterday at school before we came to the hotel"

"not true,you've always hated school food"
he said.

"bailey just tell me please,i won't yell at you,i just need to make sure you're safe okay?"

she looked at him and he grabbed her hands and held them
"bailey it's okay just tell me"
she hesitated but then said
"um like 3 days ago but please don't get upse-
he cut her off
"bailey i'm not upset,i'm not gonna yell at you, but why haven't you been eating. i guess i really never noticed but i mean looking back,the last like 10 months or year,you rarely eat. what's going on?"

he asked her concerned.
"i don't know"
she shrugged,hoping for the conversation to be done.

"bailey why are you doing this"
she looked at his eyes
he was scared,worried,and you could just tell he wanted to make sure she was okay.

"nate,i just,i don't know-

"i know this happened to maddy too. and i know it was because she had this thought in her head that she had to be perfectly skinny and have the perfect body even though she's always had it anyways. is that what's wrong with you?"

she looked at him and nodded and then out of no where tears just bursted out of her eyes.
he wrapped his arms around her and she cried on his chest.
his chin rested on the top of her head
"bailey,you're beautiful do you know that? eating is what your body needs,okay? you have to eat bailey. and plus you're the girl all the boys in your grade think is the hottest. and it's always been like that. trust me,since you were like 7,all the boys thought you were so cute,your body has always been perfect. you're only 15. okay? don't do this to yourself. please don't bailey. you don't deserve this."
she looked up.
he wiped her tears away with his thumb.

"i love you so fucking much. and i always will."
he said to her with no hesitation.

"i love you"
she said back.
she followed with it.

he smiled and hugged her one last time.

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