chapter 4

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they checked in

they went in their room
he put their bags down on one of the beds and she went pee in the bathroom

she came out and there nate was angry as ever
his phone was up to his ear and she heard someone yelling at him


all those two do is fight. maddy runs her mouth too much and doesn't know when or how to shut the fuck up. nate can't control his anger and takes it out on maddy. bailey tries to stay out of it. you'd be surprised though. you'd think maddy would get jealous of bailey constantly being with nate. but she never was. she thought bailey was the best thing ever. bailey was nice,no one really had anything bad to say about her,and most importantly,maddy liked her cause she just let maddy talk and didn't ever tell her to shut up like everyone else did. bailey liked maddy. her mouth was annoying but she was a nice girl. she always checked up on bailey. and always told her how beautiful she is. always complimenting her and making her laugh. nate constantly thinks the only reason maddy won't stay away from him and leave him for good is because she wants to still be able to be friends with bailey without walking on eggshells because they don't want it be awkward because of nate.which is half way true. but the other half would be because she does love nate. he's so aggressive with her and he's abusive but maddy fucking loves him. and he loves maddy. they just shouldn't be together. they both know that. they try not to admit it too much. bailey doesn't want to turn into a couples therapist but she's all they've got. nate is an obbsessive,abusive,broken 17 year old boy who plays too much football and doesn't know how to express his feelings. maddy is a bitchy,sarcastic,sometimes insecure,17 year old girl who looks like she just walked out of a magazine and uses the word "cunt" way too much. like wayyy too much.
bailey is a kind,mature,and calmed mannered 15 year old girl who is the only one that understands why nate jacobs is the way he is. maddy understands but not completely. no one will ever understand nate the way bailey does. and maddy knows that. and she's okay with it. bailey has saved maddy from so many abusive situations from nate. and you'd think after getting pushed around by your boyfriend for a while,you'd be scared of him and just try your best to stay out of his way and not piss him off,right? not maddy though. she wasn't scared of him. she knew that he wouldn't kill her. maybe leave some bruises around her neck. but she knew he loved her too much to go any further. and you'd think that after seeing someone abuse their girlfriend and other people you'd run and never talk to them again, so it won't happen to you. right? not bailey though. she always stayed. sometimes she would ask herself "would nate ever hurt me?"
she never knew the answer. but she did know she'd have to make him so angry to lay a finger on her. but like i said,she's mature and knows when to bite her tongue and leave nate be. something maddy has no knowledge in.

she looked at nate
he rolled his eyes

"look i gotta go"
he hung up the phone

"nate what's wrong with you guys now"
"we were supposed to hang out after school and i forgot so she went to my house and i wasn't there and she's begging to know where the fuck i am"
"did you tell her"
"god no. this was a 7 day trip for me and you"aggressively pointing at her when he said "you"

she nodded her head
"well maybe on the last day you can tell her to come here,i'd like to see her. you haven't brought her around much"
"cause we're broken up"
she looked at him and raised her eyebrows not believing what he just said
"no for real this time"
"nate you say that everytime. and even if it was for real, then why were you supposed to hang out and why is she freaking out cause you're not home and she doesn't know where you are?"
he looked down then back at her and shrugged his shoulders

"i rest my case"
he laughed.

"look fine,i'll tell maddy where we are the second to last night we're here. and i'll tell her to come so we can all hang out like we used to before me and her started dating and ruined things for all of us,okay?"

she nodded.
"but until then,don't tell anyone where we are bailey"
she nodded.

oh yeah let me tell you a bit about the three of them before nate and maddy made the mistake of dating.

like i said before bailey and nate have been close since she was 4 and he was 6. 2 years ago when nate started high school,him and maddy met. he started to be friends with her. like actual friends. they didn't have feelings for eachother. he brought her around bailey a lot. the three of them were inseparable. but then by maddy and nate's sophomore year they were catching feelings, and decided to date. that was a year ago. they've been on and off ever since. bailey was always in the middle of their fights. it started to ruin the innocent friendship they used to have. now,nate and maddy have a toxic ass relationship and bailey is just on the sidelines watching.

"hey are you listening"
she snapped out of her thoughts and looked up
"um yeah"
he nodded his head "no you weren't"
she laughed
"tonight we have business to do"
oh god what does that mean? she thought to herself.
she nodded her head slightly confused
he smirked

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