chapter 24

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she went to her next couple of classes. she sat with roy and troy in most of them. which was sometimes annoying but today it was good because she could use some laughs. and you can always count on those two to make you laugh.

at lunch she sat with the usual girls she sat with but she was thinking about what she was going to tell nate when she didn't go home with him,but maddy instead. she shrugged it off just hoping he'd understand.

after school she met nate in the hall. he waited for her to change into an outfit to practice in.

(blue nike pros & a long sleeve black shirt that said "east highlands highschool football" it was nate's. it was a little big on her but she looked good regardless)

when she finished changing she met him outside the locker room. put her hand out and he held it. and kissed her forehead. "you look cute" he said. she looked up at him. she realized his grip on her hand wasn't tight like it had been the last few days. he was smiling. kind of. confused but didn't want to find out why he was acting this way because she just just happy he was acting like a decent human for once,she sweetly said thankyou.

he walked her to the gym. they said bye and he went to the field for practice. she walked into the gym. where maddy was waiting for her.
"hey bitch" maddy said opening her arms for a hug. bailey hugged her and said hi. they make small talk while waiting for the rest of the girls to get there so they could start.

practice was easy and went by quick. as everyone was leaving,bailey ran up to maddy "hey i gotta go talk to nate for a sec.i'll be back or do you wanna meet in the parking lot? she asked. "we can meet in the parking lot i have the talk to the gym teacher about letting us use the back door so we don't have to go all way around the school just to practice in the field" maddy said. bailey nodded.

she quickly ran to the locker room. she threw on light pink jean shorts and took of her nike pros. she didn't change her shirt. it smelled like nate. and it was comfy. she grabbed her things and walked to the football field. all the boys were sitting on the bench. she didn't know why. normally at this time they were running around the field tackling eachother.

she put her stuff down on the bleachers and walked over to the bench where nate was sitting with his teammates. he saw her as she made her way over to him. a big smile appeared on his face. she picked up the pace and finally got to him.

she stood right infront of him, he was sitting with his legs open and she stood in between them. "hey kiddo" one of the football guys said to her. his name was ethan. he was a nice guy. always said hi to bailey. "hi" she said with her cute little voice.

"what's up" nate said taking her water bottle out of her hand and drinking out of it. she laughed. "um is it okay if i hang out with maddy tonight? i'll be back home at 10 probably" she said expecting him to get mad. "yeah that's fine,do you want me to pick you up" he asked.

she raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened. she was just shocked that all the sudden he was being nice. "uh yeah that would be great"she said. he nodded his head. she gave him a hug. "have fun" he said as she picked her phone up off the grass because she dropped it. "thankyou" she said with a big smile. she hugged him and said bye. as she started walking away he yelled "love you"
she turned her head and said it back.

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