"I'm alright." She states before stepping into the kitchen. "So little sis, what's with the random invite to dinner?"

"Just wanted your company." You state while shrugging your shoulders. She stares suspiciously at you while arching her eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders.

"Alright. I'll buy that... for now." She states. Upon walking further into the kitchen, she walks past Hoseok and does a double take. Her eyes scan his figure up and down for a few seconds before she speaks. "Who's this?"

"I'm Hoseok." He states. "You're Lisa, right?" she nods her head.

"Yep. I see Y/N's been talking about me, huh?" she questions. He lets out a soft laugh and nods his head.

After a few minutes of all of you talking, you hear the doorbell.

"I'll get it." You state before making your way towards the front door. When you get there, you see your mom and dad standing at the door. "Hi mom and dad."

"Is the food ready?" your father questions.

"I said 'hello.'" You state. "Could you at least say 'hi' to me?" you question.

Your father merely stares at you for a few seconds before sighing.

"Hi." He responds.

"Sweetheart, you look so good!" your mom says while examining your outfit. You give her a small smile.

"Thanks, mom." You step to the side and gesture for them to step into your home. "Please, come in. Dinner's already prepared." Your parents nod and your mom attempts to make her way into the home before your father steps in front of her, walking in first. This causes you to roll your eyes. Your mom glances back at you and gives an 'it's alright' smile.

You shake your head before gesturing for her to enter the house.

You follow behind the two as your father makes his way towards the kitchen.

Lisa is sitting at the dining table, on her phone as she waits for you.

Upon hearing the double kitchen doors, she looks up and sees your father. Your mother enters after him, and you follow after the two.

You stare at Lisa's expression as she sees your father. Her eyes are filled with anger as she stares up at the man who helped to bring you two into this world.

"Are you kidding me?" she immediately asks. Your father stares at her and arches his eyebrow.

"I never taught you to speak to me like that." He states before looking back at you. "I see you managed to get the alcoholic to show up, huh?"

"I am not an alcoholic anymore." Lisa immediately argues.

"Ah, sir," Hoseok immediately steps in to greet your father with a wide smile on his face, lightening up the mood in the room. It's similar to how the sunrise brightens up the dark skies in the morning. He gives your father a polite bow before turning to your mom. "Ma'am." He gives her a polite bow as well.

"Who are you?" your father asks immediately, bitter attitude not faltering despite Hoseok's cheery attitude. Hoseok's smile falters a little before he immediately smiles again.

"Ah, I see why you're confused. You've never seen me helping Seokjin-ssi cook." Hoseok states. "I'm his assistant in the kitchen. My name is Hoseok, it's very nice to meet you, sir." He says while bowing politely.

Chef's Kiss - ksjOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora