"You can be my trophy wife if you want," Darkstalker mutters.

I burst into laughter, nudging him with my wing. "I'm joking! Wait, are you seriously jealous over Trailblazer's dad right now?"

"I am not jealous," Darkstalker mumbles, glaring stubbornly down at the ground. "But do you think he's committed any crimes? I know it's wrong to throw someone in the dungeon for personal reasons, but, like, if he's committed crimes, who am I to stop justice, right?"

"You are jealous!" I tease, poking him with my tail.

"I am--I am not," Darkstalker says indignantly.

I lean into his shoulder. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I sent him off to help Timeteller at the hospital, so that should keep him occupied for a while. And if he tries to bug me again, you won't need to yell at him, I will do that for you, but afterwards if you want to give him a stern look, or remind him how his big expensive house is gone, that's fine by me."

"Good," Darkstalker mutters. "Serves him right." I fight off another wave of laughter as he spreads a warm wing around me.

"Mmm. I love your earrings, you know that?" I say, looking up to meet his eyes. "You look very handsome tonight."

He grins. "I thought you'd like them." He leans in to give me another kiss, but before he can, one of our advisors is hurtling down the hallway.

I sigh, breaking away from my husband and trying to mentally brace myself for whatever news Lord Rogue might be bringing. Oh, three moons, what's gone wrong now?

"Your Majesties! Oh, thank the moons, I've been looking all over for you," he says breathlessly. "I... have some bad news."


"What do you mean Heartfire's gone? Did he just, like, go to visit a relative or something? Does he have those?" Darkstalker rubs his temples.

"No--just--it's easier to not explain it, read this. He left it in his office for you." Rogue sighs, clearly just as fed up of this as we are.

I unfold the note.

Dear Darkstalker and Clearsight,

I've gone to fix that IceWing problem for you! Sorry I'll miss the council meeting, but this couldn't wait. You're welcome! Hope you can handle without me for a few hours!


I clench my talons, crumpling up the note.

Right. Of course. The first good day I have in weeks, and he just has to run off and make everything worse.

I groan, throwing it at the wall. "But--he was under express orders not to do anything! From his king and queen. How--I mean, I know, this is Heartfire we're talking about, but there's a difference between a little clueless and downright stupid. It's punishable by death for him to disobey us--I mean, not that I'm going to--but--you know."

Oh three moons, are we going to have to fire him? We just finished background checks on Brightmind's older brother, Supernova, who seems like a pretty good fit for Minister of Education, and another new dragon, Abyss--things were starting to resume some kind of order, and now this? Really?

Just the idea of doing another round of job interviews makes me want to leave this kingdom and never come back.

Darkstalker growls under his breath, scraping his claws against the stone floor. "So, what, do we have to go and rescue him now?" He snaps.

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