Day 1 pt.2

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As class 1-A played with B Lida as F Momo watched them. Shoji had B Lida now. B Lida grabbed two of his hands and Shoji patted his head. B Lida turned away and tried to walk but fell down. 

"Aren't you a cutie," Mina commented about B Lida. She looked over at F kirishima and B Bakugo. "How about we play too, B Bakugo." F Kirishima let B Bakugo down. Which was not good news for Midoriya because B Bakugo immediately crawled to him. Midoriya was delighted that he had chosen him. But, B Bakugo had not crawled over there to play, he wanted to cause trouble. B Bakugo bit Midoriya's arm as hard as he can.

"Oww!" Midoriya shouted. Everyone looked at him as he pried B Bakugo's teeth from his arm. Lida quickly picked him and B Bakugo tried bitting him as well.

"I am sorry little Midoriya,"F Kirishima apologized. He took B Bakugo from Lida, who had calmed him down a little. "Are you hurt?" 

Midoriya shook his head and rubbed his sore arm. "No, it doesn't really hurt. He didn't bit that hard," Midoriya replied. Todoroki took his hand and made ice to put on the bite area. 

"Why did you bit little mido-bro? That wasn't manly at all," F Kirishima scolded. B Bakugo didn't respond, instead he looked at F Kirishima with puppy dog eyes. "That face isn't going to work on me."

"Kiki ri," B Bakugo said. He continued calling F Kirishima. Then, B Bakugo angrily looked at F Kirishima after he didn't give him the attention he deserved. B Bakugo tried to get out of F Kirishima's arms. F Kirishima noticed this and hesitantly let him go. This time B Bakugo crawled over his past self. 

"What the f*ck do you want?" Bakugo asked. B Bakugo simpily looked at him and flopped down in front of him. Everyone looked at them pleading that Bakugo doesn't hurt his baby self. Bakugo lifted him up and placed him on his lap. "Stop staring, extras." Bakugo said, noticing everyone's surprised expressions. "Did you think that I was going to hurt myself like some psycho."

" Do you want to play with them. B Lida and B Kacchan are having fun," F Midoriya asked B Todoroki. B Todoroki looked at class 1-A and shook his head. " Why not?" F Midoriya asked softly.

"To mane, Zuzu," B Todoroki replied. F Midoriya sighed and sat down next to his past self. B Todoroki peeked his head out and glanced at Midoriya. Midoriya caught him looking and smiled, making B Todoroki smile back.

"Can you please hold him, little me. I got to use the bathroom," F Midoriya requested. 

"Oh, of course," Midoriya replied surprised. F Midoriya handed B Todoroki to his past self and got up. Midoriya placed B Todoroki on his lap. B Todoroki stared at Midoriya tranquilly. "Umm, what do you want to do?" Midoriya asked.  

"Midoriya, why would you ask baby me that question? He can't speak remember," Todoroki asked nonchalantly. 

" Pika a boo," B Todoroki said, covering his eyes with his hands and uncovering them. Midoriya chuckled. "You're turn, Zuzu." Midoriya copied him, making B Todoroki giggle. Todoroki watched them quietly. Later, he also took part in playing with his baby self. 

~~~(time skip) With B Todoroki~~~

B Todoroki was sitting on a chair. Hagakure was holding a cup of yogurt in it. F Midoriya, Midoriya, Todoroki and Momo were there are well.

"Say ahh!" Hagakure said, she took a little bit of yogurt in a spoon and waited for B Todoroki to open his mouth. But, B Todoroki turned away. "Come on, please." Hagakure tried again and again, but B Todoroki stubbornly looked away.

" Come on, why don't you want to eat? Is it because of me?" Hagakure asked. B Todoroki nodded. "How about you do it future Midoriya. Since, you're the adult."

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now