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"Oh, I was planning to transfer Shinsou to class 1-A or class 1-B. It was going to be based on how well he performed in the activity that me and Vald King had planned. But since I was told by future Midoriya that he would be transferred to class 1-A, that saves me the trouble of deciding. Though that doesn't mean that you are off the hook, Shinsou, I trained you to face any challenges that comes your way," Mr. Aizawa said, looking at Shinsou.

Shinsou nodded in response. " Yes, I know," said Shinsou.

"Do you want a tour of our dorms?" Momo asked.

"That's a great idea, Momo. That will make him feel more welcomed," Midoriya agreed.

"Huh, I am not letting that extra f*cking look in my room. He can go stare at deku's collection of All Might figurines," Bakugo said, embrassing Midoriya.

"Ah, Kacchan don't tell him that," Midoriya said, while covering his flustered face with his hands." It's really embrassing."

"Well you should have thought about that before you brought your figurines here, f*cking nerd," Bakugo said grinning. Midoriya sighed.

"How about we just hangout, instead of a tour through our dorms," Midoriya quickly said.

"Yes let's do that instead, since I am not comfortable enough to show my room as well," Tokoyami confessed. Everyone except Momo, Bakugo and futures agreed with this idea.

"I should have thought about my figurines before I agreed to Momo's idea," Midoriya fretted to himself. "Thank goodness that Tokoyami and the others agreed to not show our dorms."

"Well now that everyone agreed that we shouldn't show our dorms to Shinsou. I might as just follow what they are doing," Momo sighed. Jiro patted her back.

"Don't worry, Momo, I liked your idea," Jiro comforted Momo. Momo smiled to show her gratitude.

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat. "So there was a reason why I came here and that is to inform future Midoriya and the others that you guys have been requested to attend the meeting that we will be having tommorow before school starts. U.A staff and some pro heroes will be attending it to discuss some matters at hand," Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Who will be attending the meeting?" F Midoriya asked.

"Well Endeavor and Hawks will be there for sure. But, I can't say the same about the others. Since their schedules are different," Mr. Aizawa answered. F Midoriya nodded.

" I just hope that old man doesn't come distrub me," Todoroki angrily muttered to himself. " Why am I even saying this, of course he going to do it."

" Well, I think it is time that I leave you guys," Mr. Aizawa said. "You guys have permission to use the rooms. Though I cannot provide any beds," Mr. Aizawa looked at the futures.

"Don't worry Mr. Aizawa, I got that covered. I can just send some futons through the portal and I can also provide them with other necessities. I planned it through before I sent them to the past," F Hatsume said proudly.

"Ya right, if you actually planned this trip, then we wouldn't have needed someone to find a place for us to stay. So you are wrong extra," F Bakugo agrued.

"Well, it looks like I overlooked some things. But I made sure that everything else is perfect," F Hatsume said.

"You better keep your word extra," F Bakugo said, but F Hatsume ignored him.

"One last thing ,Shinsou, are going to stay here or not? If you are than you should go back to your dorms by 8:30 p.m," Mr. Aizawa asked Shinsou.

Shinsou thought for a few moments before he replied," sure, I will stay I guess, since it will seem rude if I don't." Shinsou looked at Class 1-A and rubbed the back of his head. "So who wants to hangout with me?"

Kaminari raised his hand. " Me, I will hangout with you." He said.

"I will too if you promise that you wouldn't use your quirk on me," Ojiro said, wagging his tail slowly.

" I thought you would hate me after I brainwashed you at the sports festival," Shinsou said guiltily.

Ojiro smiled." Of course not, it was the sports festival and everyone used their quirks at each other to win. What you did to me is nothing compared to what happened when Todoroki and Midoriya fought," Ojiro said. Todoroki flinched and looked at his left hand. F Todoroki noticed his past self staring at his left hand.

"Don't worry, past me, Izuku doesn't resent you. He never did," F Todoroki told his past self. Todoroki nodded.

"Goodbye problem children," Mr. Aizawa said.

"Goodbye Mr. Aizawa ."

Mr. Aizawa turned around and hopped over the door. He unzipped his sleeping bag and took his hand out and opened the door. Everyone watched as Mr. Aizawa hopped his way back to the teacher's dorms, until the shadows swallowed him whole.

"So this is how Mr. Aizawa moves around in his sleeping bag, huh," Kaminari said.

"Hey, which rooms are you guys choosing?" Midoriya asked.

"Oh yes tell me, when you decide, so I can send your beds," F Hatsume chimed in. "I will now disconnect." The screen flickered to a white screen and turned off.

"We haven't decided that yet," F Midoriya told his past self. He handed the bracelet back to F Bakugo. "Here have this, Kacchan, and please don't throw this again."

"Don't tell me what to do, nerd!" F Bakugo said. He pressed the right button three times to return the communicator back to it's bracelet form.

"You guys can leave this decision to us. We are going to check the rooms out now," F Momo said. She walked over to the staircase and looked back.
"Come on guys, the rooms are waiting for us." The other futures followed F Momo. Class 1-A watched as the futures, except for F Midoriya, went upstairs.

"Thanks for letting us stay here. I am sure that the others, including Kacchan, will also agree with me," F Midoriya said. "And you guys can come ask us for help whenever you want. Yep that's all I wanted to say." F Midoriya walked upstairs.

"Finally, that nerd stopped talking, I was getting tired of seeing his face," Bakugo grumbled under his breath.

F Midoriya walked upstairs to fourth floor and found the other futures waiting for him.

"What do think we should do?" F Momo asked.

"Why me?" F Midoriya asked confused.

"No special reason," F Momo replied.

"Well, we have to use both rooms, since there isn't that much space. We just need to choose who sleeps in which room. Three in one and three in the other," F Midoriya mumbled. F Midoriya looked at F Bakugo. " Well me and Kacchan can't sleep in the same room, obviously."

"What are you trying to say, huh, nerd?" F Bakugo asked.

" Kacchan, you know the reason, so maybe me, Todoroki and Momo can take the room in fifth floor and Kacchan, Kirishima and Lida can take the extra room in the floor we are on. Are you guys okay with this?" F Midoriya asked. Everyone nodded, while F Bakugo reluctantly nodded.

After they had chosen their rooms, they called F Hatsume to deliver their futons. F Bakugo had a five minute agruement with F Lida on why he should sleep next to F Kirishima. Meanwhile, Shinsou talked with Kaminari, Ojiro and Tokoyami. Shinsou noted that Kaminari clings into Ojiro's tail. Todoroki not so subtly watched Shinsou, while in his mind he was thinking of how similar Shinsou and Mr. Aizawa looked. Bakugo was sitting on the sofa with the bakusquad except for Kaminari. Kirishima had his hand over Bakugo's shoulder. Mina whispered into Sero's ear about how Bakugo wasn't trying to explode Kirishima this instant for touching him. Shinsou returned back to his dorms at 8:30 p.m. as promised and Bakugo went to bed. Kaminari waved goodbye. At 9:30, Lida told everyone to go to bed and moved his hand up and down to show that he was serious. Midoriya checked in on the futures, though the visit made F Bakugo angry. Lida apologized for his behavior, making him angrier. Midoriya quickly walked out their room.

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat