Chapter 15

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I was awake earlier than most. As I gazed around at the sleeping bodies of those I loved, but whom hated me now, I couldn't help but feel sad. Caity, Nev, Max and Ellie were probably asleep in their own dorms. 

I climbed out of bed and then out of the window too, and climbed up to the astronomy tower. It wasn't for the same reason as earlier though, no. Not this time. I sat at the age as the astronomy tower, fondly thinking of all the memories we shared.


*Crystalia POV*

"You look soooo pretty! You're my aunty now!" I glanced down at Ron's 6 year old daughter Jai and laughed.

"Thank you sweetheart,"

"JAIJAI!!" Olivia Delacour, my second cousin twice removed or some shit like that, ran over to her and pulled her into the middle of the dance floor. Jai giggled and began to dance with her. I smiled fondly as I watched them. Olivia was Jai's girlfriend since they were 4, and both of their parents found it cute.

*Jai POV*

Olivia and I had broken up shortly before I'd left for Beauxbatons. She agreed we were better as friends. She was originally supposed to go there, but I'd had a small argument with my cousins and she gave me her place there so I wouldn't have to see them.


*Jodie POV*


I whirled around at my nieces voice and smiled.

"Jaidyn! I thought you went to Durmstrang?"

"Mum pulled me out. The bullying got so bad so I go here now,"

"Oh, ok! Well, some of my friendship group you already know - it's Nev, Ellie, Emma, Brandy and some more people! I'll introduce you! Don't worry if you don't feel happy here, there's still Malina's. Maybe you'd be happier in Malina's group - you know Malina, and she's extremely popular so-"

"I'd rather stick with people I already know,"

"Alright. Before I introduce you, let me explain our year. You have Kai Riddle, Esmae Greyback, Lana Greyback, Sibyl Dolohov, and Kai Lestrange II who think they're absolute queens. Plot twist. They're not. They're stupid, and nobody likes them,"

I chuckled. Didn't every school have a gang like that?

"Rhiannon Dewkit, Rowie Chase, Malina Lupin, Teddy Lupin and Willow Flitwick are the popular group - Willow is the daughter of Cindy Flitwick, who is the daughter of Professor Flitwick. Cindy refuses to say who the father is,"

I shuddered. That was worrying.

"Then there's Tommy and Jamie, Emberlynn's kids. Then they're friends with Katy James, Max -whose surname is somehow unknown- and Lizzie Dolohov,"

She nodded. 

I began to explain the year, then eventually I got to my friendship group.

"There's those you already know, but then there's Lauren Malfoy, but call her Lars. Rachel Riddle - be careful with her, she's Voldemort's daughter and Anna Potter,"

Jai nodded.


"Hey, can you help me find my class?

"Um, sure, what is it?"

"It's Potions. I just transferred from another school,"

"I have that now. I'll take you. Who are you?"

"Caity Tonks, I think we met in the corridor earlier,"

"Oh, cool!"


*Jai POV*

"Now, which one of you did this? Brandy? Jai? Anyone wish to admit?"

I glanced to Brandy and mouthed a few simple words.

"If we go down, we go together,"

"It was both of us," I smiled sweetly at the headmistress.

"A month of detention, and I'll be writing to both your parents,"


"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there!"

"It's fine," I collected my books and began to walk away.

"Hold on, didn't you have to transfer because the bullying got so bad?"

"Does EVERYONE know this stuff?"

"Um, no. I only know because I'm a prefect-"

"Well, thank you whatever your name is, but I-"

"It's Teddy. I'm in 6th year. I just wanted to let you know I'm here for you,"


*Jai POV*

"Have a good summer, students!"

"You should come visit during the summer, Jai!" Ruby smiled eagerly at me and I nodded.

"I will!"

McGonagall gave me a hug and gave one to the rest of the friendship group, and then one to Malina's too.


*Jai POV*

"Blood traitor," 

I turned to the voice of Lilith Riddle who was glaring at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a blood traitor?"

"Yes, you are. Nothing but a filthy, good for nothing, blood traitor!"

I was in my compartment alone, waiting for my friends. And apparently, Lilith had found me.

"Fuck off," Lilith got elbowed out of the way by her aunt, Rachel.

"I'll tell my dad!" Lilith snapped and Rachel chuckled.

"Isn't he in Azkaban? No, wait, you meant Noah. Sorry but he isn't your biological father,"

Lilith flinched and stormed away.


*Anna POV*



"Are you coming to sit with us?" Jai asked, dark hair falling down her shoulders.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

It was an inside joke to use our surnames rather than our first names in this friendship group. The only problem came with the fact there was a lot of Weasley's.


Most of my chapters will be sad until my phone is fixed, so I wrote this as a little thing to be happy. It involves a lot of happy memories with those I lost. 

Also I'm going to make someone die sooo..

Not anyone in the friendship group, but someone in our year. Probably gonna be someone who had Instagram but left. 

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