Chapter 6

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I was on my own, just coming back from the library when I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes. Wait, Jai?"

I looked up and groaned internally. After earlier's conversation, Hannah was the last person I wanted to see. 

"Are you alone?"


"Do you have any spare time?"

"No, I have to get back to Nev and Olivia, bye," I began to walk away but she grabbed my arm.

"Don't lie,"

"I don't like being touched," I muttered, and she automatically let go of my arm.

"Sorry. Can we talk?"

"You're not going to leave me alone until I say yes, are you?"

"No, I am not,"

"Fine, fine,"

"Perfect. Let's go find Taya,"

"Seriously? Aren't you bad eno- I mean, okay,"

"Bad enough?!" she asked, smirking. I blushed.

"Sorry, um, you're actually really nice,"

She laughed and led me down to the lake where Taya was sat with his feet in the water.

"Taya, look who I found," 

She sat on the grass and gestured for me to sit down too so I did.

"Want a cookie?" she asked. I shook my head.

"A bun?" Taya asked. I shook my head again.

"A chocolate roll?"

"No, I'm no-"

"You're going to stay with us until you've eaten, Jai,"

"You think that's a problem? Free time with my idols. Absolutely perfect!" 

"Jai, please. It hurts us to see students not eating. Just eat something small,"

I sighed.

"Fine, what do I eat?"

Taya picked up his school bag and looked inside of it.

"I have buns, crisps, and sausage rolls. Hannah, what do you have?"

"Chocolate rolls, cookies, and cheese strings,"

"You just carry cheese strings around?"

"I do, yes,"

"Uhm. I like chocolate rolls, please,"

Hannah passed a chocolate roll over to me and then passed one over to Taya as well.

"So, why don't you eat?"

"I genuinely don't feel hungry. I don't think I'm fat or anything, I'm fine with my weight. I just don't ever feel like eating,"

"Your friends feel like you're hiding something from them. You don't have to tell US, but they've been your friends since your childhood. That's years. I think it's time you told them whatever it is you're hiding,"

"What if they get mad at me for hiding it?"

"If they are truly your friends, they won't,"

"Just risk it and open up. It's so much easier when you've done it once," Taya smiled at me.

"It's all the father figures in my life,"


"The thing I'm hiding. I'm hiding a lot more, but they're the main one,"

I burst into tears and began to explain my past with them, everything they put me and my mum through, and how the reason I had trust issues was because of them. They both sat and listened, and never interrupted.

"So what I can gather, they need to take an Avada Kedavra straight to the he-"

Taya shut up at the look he was getting from Hannah.

"And Ron? Your biological father?"

"He was amazing, you know. But after him and mother got divorced, I hardly saw him,"

Taya nodded.

"We're here if you need us. But remember Jai, we graduate this year. So you need some new people to trust when you need to open up. Your friends can be those people, okay?"

I nodded.

"Thank you Taya, thank you Hannah,"

They both smiled.

"You can leave now," Hannah told me, and I nodded, giving them both a quick hug then heading back up to the castle.



Note: My biological dad is a fucking TWAT but Ron would be a good father in my opinion. 

I wanted to write this chapter to show how much of a heart Taya and Hannah have because even though we rarely talk, they already give off chaotic cinnamon bun vibes :)

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