Chapter 13

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Classes had begun again, as we had our OWL's coming up and had to study. I sat next to Ellie and Max in defence against the dark arts, but Max would constantly be talking to Katy and Nev who sat in front of us, so I ended up just talking to Ellie.

"What would you do if you had a crush on someone who saw you as a friend?" I blurted out. She chewed the end of her pencil.

"Well, don't tell them until you're sure they feel the same. You don't want to ruin your friendship,"

"Yeah. Smart idea,"

I fell silent, thinking. I knew that the person I'd fallen in love with only saw me as a friend.


"I know who you like," 

I glanced up at the headmistress who was smirking.

"Do you?" I asked.

"I do, yes,"

"Then tell me,"

"I can't,"

"Why not?"

"In case I'm wrong. Just know that if it's who I think it is, then she likes you too,"

She winked and walked off. Great. The headmistress knew I liked her daughter. 


I sat with Nev and Caity who were both giggling.

"I knew you liked someone!" Nev snickered.

"Oh, shut up!" I rolled my eyes but she didn't.

"Oh, I'm in loveeee," she sang.

"Who is it?" Caity asked.

"I'm not telling,"

"Do we know her?" asked Nev, just as Caity stood up and left for class.

"She's in our year,"

"OH MY GOD IS IT ELLIE?" she squealed.

"How did you figure it out? Don't tell her!"

"Well, you're always tagging her in your videos,"

I blushed.


"Hannah? What would you do if you had a crush on someone who only saw you as a friend?"

"Maybe they don't see you as a friend. Just make subtle hints. They'll get it eventually, and if they like you back, then they'll mention it. If not, they'll ignore it,"

"Comforting," I muttered, walking away.


"Taya!" I ran up to him and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"I asked Hannah but she wasn't very helpful. What would you do if you had someone who only saw you as a friend but you was madly in love with them?"

"Talk to them. If they like you back, you could have progress. If they don't, then they'll let you down slowly. True friends would never let you get hurt,"

I smiled.



"I heard a rumour,"

"Did you just?"

"A rumour about a certain Jai liking a certain Professor's daughter,"

I turned around to the smug face of Lilith Riddle.

"Where'd you hear this?"

"Oh, you know. Overheard Aunt Lars telling the blood traitor,"

"Who? And don't call them a blood traitor!"


That did it. I slapped her across the face as hard as I could.


I groaned. Just my luck. The head girl had to see me slap someone. 

"She was being horrible!" I whined. Hannah raised her eyebrows.

"Come with me to Professor McGonagall's office. Now,"

"Why not Flitwick's? He's my head of house-"

"Because Professor McGonagall is the head mistress."

I rolled my eyes. I usually liked Hannah but now I was in trouble I didn't like her anymore. ((note: Hannah, if you're reading this, know that there's nothing wrong with you and this is just for fanfiction purposes))

I followed her up to McGonagall's office where she knocked on the door and it opened. She stepped in and I followed.

"Hello, Hannah. What is the issue?"

I expected her to get me into trouble but she gave a soft smile.

"Lilith Riddle, again,"

"Oh merlin. What has she done this time?"

"Provoking Jai, I believe. I don't know what happened, I just know Jai got angry,"

"Oh no. What happened, Jai?"

"She said that she heard a rumour that I liked Ellie, and because it's true I don't want everyone to know, then she called Emma a blood traitor!"

"You like me?"

Shit. I had not quite realised Ellie was there. 

"I'll leave you to talk," McGonagall stood up and left the room with Hannah.


"JAI HAS A GIRLFRIEND JAI HAS A GIRLFRIEND JAI HAS A GIRLFRIEND!" My friends were dancing around the library laughing. 

"SHUT UP!" snapped Madam Pince and we all burst into giggles.

"No," Nev told her smugly, prompting a slap around the head with a book.


We're banned from the library for a week now.

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