Chapter 5

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"I'm extremely bored,"

"Sucks to be bored, Max,"

"Oh, shut it, Katy,"

Katy rolled her eyes and Max gently hit her arm.

"Abuse," she muttered and myself and Nev laughed.

"Where's everyone else?" Max asked.

"Uh, either studying or in detention," Nev told him.

"You mean to tell me that YOUR friendship group got detention but you didn't?"

"That's basically it, yeah,"

"How on earth-?"

"I don't know. We can thank Teddy for that, I think. He got us out of it."

"Which Teddy? Our year or 7th year?"

"7th year,"

"Is it just me, or is it that there's only 4 people in 7th year that we actually know they even exist?"

"Teddy, Bailey, Taya and Hannah,"

"There's Audrey Greyback too, remember?" 

"Yeah, but Audrey is a bitch,"

"Why did they get detention anyway?"

"Skipped class. I think it was Lars, Brandy and Olivia,"

"I see,"

"Jai, do you want some nuggets? I have a bunch of them,"

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry,"

"Yes you are," Nev said, pushing a nugget into my mouth. I spluttered and glared at her.

"I mean, you do have to eat so-"

"Katy, don't encourage her!"

"Katy, encourage her!"

"Thank you Max!"

"Don't encourage her!"

"No, trust me! Encourage her!"


"What's going on here? Who's encouraging who to do what?"

"Nev is choking me!"

"I'm going to leave before I make an inappropriate joke," Bailey turned on her heel and left, leaving us with Teddy, Taya and Hannah. Taya looked at Nev.

"Is this true?"

"Not exactly," she muttered.

"She just shoved a nugget into Jai's mouth because Jai hasn't been eating properly!" Katy explained.

"Jai hasn't what?" Hannah asked, turning to look at me. I looked down.

"Jai, sweetie, why aren't you eating?" she asked. I ignored her.

"Jai," Taya was the next to speak.

"Jai, just tell us," I ignored Teddy too.


"Nev, don't shout. Jai, can you come find me later? I want to talk to you. AWAY from your friends," Hannah asked.

I nodded, not daring to look up.

"And Nev, there's better ways to make people eat other than shoving chicken nuggets down their throats,"

She walked off with Taya and Teddy and then I slapped Katy gently.

"Look what you've gone and done! Did you have to tell Taya and Hannah and Teddy?" 

"Yes, I did! Because you're not eating Jai, and it's worrying!" 

"I'm just not hungry!"


"I eat at night!"

"You can't just eat at night! Jai, I'm concerned about your health! Both mental and physical. You're hiding so much from us, and I want to know what! Please, Jai, just tell us!"

"It's not your business Katy," I snapped coldly, walking off. Why did my friends always try to get involved in my business?!



Soooo my eating schedule and mental and physical health sucks, and I wanted to add that in here. There was a lot I was hiding from my friends, but I've opened up to a few of them about some of the stuff. I'm sure that one day I'll have enough courage to truly open up. 

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