Chapter 7 - Day 4 -"What the actual fuck?!"

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Finished Writing : March 16, 2021

Finished Edit : March 19, 2021

I'm sorry for the lack of updates(I literally say this in every chapter but...) One reason is because I usually write my chapters in one go and upload it after, I can't really start writing then wait till an idea pops up lol. Chile anyways I want to let yall know I will have to 2 new stories coming soon and I got my idea from YT. I'm going to be doing both as well as this story. The next 2 stories will be Hinata Harem since yall really like that ship/ships. I had a question on how many chapters you want this to be lol, I can make it long or short, i'm not sure but i just want your opinion soooo plz let me know and the winner for the ships is KENHINA!!!. YALL DONT COME FOR ME I DID MAJORITY VOTE!!.but I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.

Book Length

Short Book -

Long Book -


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


Previously in Chapter 6

When we finished we laughed and smiled. We decided on a sleepover so it happened.

Soon papa and dad brought the car and Me and Ken Ken went to talk about our lives. Kenma was complaining about Lev and Kuroo. Shoyo talk about how Noya,Suga,and Yams found out his secret and what he did with yurio to his team

Once we made it home,we took a bath and ate dinner and watched a movie with my dad's. After we went to my room we played games and did realize we fell asleep. I wonder what tomorrow can bring were their last thoughts before falling into a deep sleep.


Onto the next chapter.....

Hinata POV

I woke up from the deep sleep and I had a massive headache. I ignored it and went to the bathroom to do my daily necessities. Soon I heard noise from my bedroom and saw Kenma awake. I greet him which he replies with a groan. I ignored his groan and went to the kitchen to see Papa and Dad. I greet them good morning, which they return. They made breakfast and let me tell you it was yum. I thank them for the food and brought kenma a cup of coffee. Once I gave him his coffee, I started to change because I want to go to the team hotel and they're probably wondering where I am(chile really said, forget yall im out lol 😂). Kenma asked me where I was going and I told him exactly what I was thinking and he gave me a "ohhh right, but you're coming back right?". I told him maybe. Once I was finished getting ready, I gave him a big hug and went downstairs to see Yurio, Dad, and Papa. I told them I was leaving and that I would see them later.

~Timeskip cause I can~

Nobody's POV

Hinata walked into the hotel and went to the area where they would be eating breakfast cause they were the team would be right. OH boy did he think wrong. He checked the dining area but no luck so he went to the sleeping quarters and he saw ....... No one there(hehe the suspense). He then left and went to the park outside and he saw them by the pond. SO Hinata decided to scare them a little. He went behind Suga and yelled BOO!. Suga jumped and looked to see who scared him. He smiled and saw it was Hinata. Suga went and grabbed Hinata and gave him a tight hug, which Hinata returned.

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