[70] till the next goodbye

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Till the Next Goodbye

Izzy sat on her knees on her bedroom floor, listening to Kelso's story as she continued packing her suitcases. He was sitting behind her on her bed, telling her animatedly about the time he thought he could be Black Widow.

"So I was trying to pull off the pleather jumpsuit, but my thighs-"

"Can you hand me the, uh... the blue sweater? The one that's by your ass?"

Kelso reached behind him and tossed it to Izzy, hitting her square in the face. "As I was saying, I was tuggin' and tuggin', but I was trapped, Forwoman! Trapped, I tell you! And I'm tempted to call Jackie and ask for help, but I didn't want her knowing I had swiped her Halloween costume-"

Izzy reached behind her and held her hand out to Kelso. "Now the pink sweater?"

"Here," he set it in her hand and continued his story. "So Betsy's crying. I'm crying. And then Fez knocks on the door! I swear, Iz. He's a weirdo, but living with him has its perks!"

"Oh, does it now?" Izzy hid a smile, even though he couldn't see her face.

"It does! And then he pulled out a bottle of olive oil from you'll never guess where-"

She stood up abruptly. "I don't wanna guess where!"

"Isabelle! Breakfast!" Red called from the base of the stairs.

Izzy gave a light huff and nodded. "Saved by Dad. Kelso, please be sure to tell Steven that story, okay?"


"And spare no details! In fact, I think you slacked a little bit in the detail department just now. Be sure to give him everything you've got and more. He needs to really feel how that spandex fit around your-"


"Alright Dad, I'm coming!"


Izzy followed her father into the kitchen, where Eric and Charlie were already sitting at the table.

"Good morning, Mr. Forman!" Charlie said cheerily.

Red began to pour himself and Izzy two cups of coffee. "Charlie! Didn't recognize you without your schoolgirl's skirt." Izzy stifled a laugh. "Why don't you drink another warehouse full of beer? Then you can get out of those uncomfortable boy things!"

Last night was the night that Izzy had tagged along with all of the boys to the beer warehouse. That night also was the night that Charlie had been brought home by them all, totally drunk and wearing Izzy's old Catholic school uniform. It was truly the only way to accept a new peer into Point Place.

Charlie's face turned bright red as he watched Red leave the room. Eric looked dumbfounded. "Wow," he said slowly. "He came in here, attacked you, and completely ignored me."

Izzy nodded, leaning against the kitchen counter. "He must be the one the prophets spoke of."

Charlie looked disappointed. "I really got off on the wrong foot with your dad. Ah, it'll blow over. How long can he stay mad at a kid, right?"

"Eric, how old are you?" Izzy asked innocently.

A shadow passed over Eric's face. "Old enough."

"Here's breakfast, you two!" Kitty said, setting a plate on the counter in front of Izzy and the table in front of Charlie. She glanced over at the other one in the room. "Oh, Eric! I didn't realize you still lived here, I thought you left for Africa."

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