Chapter 8 - Marathon

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I get there and see a huge clump of people gathering around a stage. People arrive and are split into two groups. Girls competing and everyone else. The girls line up and say their names, which get checked off a list.

I go to the end of the line, before James shows up, out of breath. He pulls me out of the line. "You don't live here," he gasps. "You're not registered."

"Right." I say. Then a thought hits me. "Then why do I have to do this? Couldn't I just go?"

He nods then shakes his head. He takes a deep breath before saying, "You could've left, but you didn't. Now you're stuck here. All because of the border." He sees my confused expression, and explains. "The border is the thing that separates us from the outside. It has a mind of its own and chooses who to let in or out. It can also talk, in a way. It basically just speaks in your mind. So I went to ask why it let you in, and if you could leave."

"Ouch," I say, putting my hand on my chest, faking being hurt. "I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that. But please continue."

He raises an eyebrow at my act, but keeps talking. "It said that you couldn't leave because you're here for a reason."

"Did it perhaps say what that reason is?"

"Nope. Sorry. But if I had to guess, it has something to do with the competition. You should get in line. If the border wants to keep you here, it might've put your name on the list."

As I wait in line, the king starts talking. "Welcome to the first event for Prince Christopher. The marathon test!"

The crowd erupts into cheers. He clears his throat and everyone falls silent. "You will run for a long while, but halfway through, there is a large banner that tells you that you can stop if you want to. Any further, and it gets dangerous. If you choose to stop in that space, you will be honorably discharged, instead of disqualified. For those of you who make it, you will be placed in the order you finished."

I get to the front of the line and say, "Scarlet."

The guard looks up from his clipboard. "Scarlet S?" He asks.

I nod, hoping I was right. He checks off the name, hands me a sticker displaying the number 92, and I get out of line. James leads me to the starting line, saying, " You don't need to finish first, just finish. Take your time, and keep a good pace."

I interrupt him before he can lose his mind. "I've got this. I can run. I did it all the time at the orphanage. It's what I did when I was really mad, or stressed, or whatever."

"Okay. Just stay safe, and good luck!"

With that, he left. The last of the girls trickle in and got their names checked off the list. Everyone goes to the starting line, with the prince in the front.

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... BANG!

Everyone starts running. A lot of people try to sprint to catch up to the prince, but quickly get tired and fall behind. Those who make it to him are out of breath from talking and also fall behind. At least a quarter of the competitors have tried and failed to start up a conversation with the prince.

I see the halfway flag up ahead, and I see many of the girls go faster and collapse in the safe-zone.

I keep my pace as over half of the people around me end at the halfway flag. Some choose to keep going. I'm one of them. The border must think I can do it if it wants me to participate in this deadly race. I know I don't have to, but I sort of want to. I find myself going a little faster at the thought.

The prince is close. I see people still trying to talk to him. And he's not even saying anything back to them! He just keeps running.

I look around and see about 60 people still running, though there might be more farther back.

Something whizzes by my shoulder, narrowly missing my cheek. An arrow. I keep low as another zooms by overhead. Then I see the ground open up, and swallow someone whole, then closing back up as soon as she falls. The girl didn't even see it coming. She didn't even have time to scream.

My heart races faster, which isn't a good thing when you're trying to run long-distance.

We turn a corner and I see a giant rock come out of nowhere and crush five people. I get out of the way. I hear screams behind me and pick up my pace. Then I hear chomping sounds. It was the sound of teeth biting into flesh. Suddenly, small furry animals shoot out of the trees and bite people. Before I can do anything, I feel a sharp pain in my right leg. I look down to see a set of teeth and a stream of blood coming out of it.

I race by more people on the ground, also with creatures stuck to them. Neither are moving. I race by feeling my leg get less mobile.

I run by a row of trees, smacking my leg against it hoping to shake the creature off. After the fifth tree, it finally does, but I can still feel a tooth still stuck in my leg. I'm thankful to see a sign up ahead, hoping it's the finish line.

It says 'End of Death Zone' 

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