Multiverse of Cringe: A Good Title Conundrum

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Foreword: Fuck you


Terra, Federation Capital
Just Another Day at the Office, Earth NHS-9257-I "Alternate Timeline"

So much was the responsibility embedded into the eternal stack of documents and orders. Then again, controlling where the fire burns is just how the world works. Magic elements, dragons, fucking mana circuits; the more crutches you have, the more it hurts when they're kicked out from under you. 

If there's one thing the world knows, it's that an incoming bullet always has the right of way. Nineteen was the new forty just as the twenty-first-century college dropout was the next autocrat.

The mailbox, he calls it. Secretary General Zero Zeven dropped the pen and sank under his chair, spinning towards the window behind his desk. The rising architectural beauty matched with the thriving trees, parks, and the flock of birds was an image of what the world looked like if sanity and bashing nazis were still common sense.

He gulped a glass of water and spun back to his desk, fidgeted with the pen, and signed off more papers to Mount Paper Cut on his left. Even in the information era and decentralization of bureaucracy, democracy's still a fever dream. From knights who define the tunic in its truest form to the hall of mirrors mimicking burning 1940s, the disparity is far too great; kingdoms, empires, and fiefs; border conflicts and wars, taking the mantle of World Police comes off naturally.

The fuck?

Zero cycled through the next batch. Marriage proposals, marriage proposals, a demand for concessions from a prideful medieval era kingdom, marriage proposals...he slammed the unlucky letter back into the stack. 

How did these get in here? "I need a goddamn vacation."

Such was the case for any ruler. But for this 19-year-old isekai'd boy and his harem comprising of his childhood friend, a disillusioned child-soldier of the German Reich, two princesses in this world, Just Monika, and an aircraft carrier that recently dumped him, all's fair in his job of ruling an autocratic nation under the guise of a democratic federation that has yet to become a bonafide democracy.

His small antic was but a fleeting moment as the stack of papers does not simply disappear. As he dug deeper, the more it seemed that Avrora's — his best friend and fiancée — slacking on the job.

Such woes subsided as someone rapped the door. Tapping the camera app on Zero's tablet, Avrora's cousin, a serious-looking blonde girl around his age wearing a sky-blue suit and glasses, waited outside the door. Zero swiped right, and the red circle on the bottom left turned green.

"Anna, how've you been? Getting used to everything?"

She shrugged. "I got fifty more documents that need your attention and forty that need your signature. Have them done by five."

She set the new stack of papers on the console table by the desk and left like the wind. Zero rubbed his temples. Paperwork or isekai adventure? Another rapped the door in a pattern only a handful knew. He swiped on the tablet without bothering a glance. It opened, and his third fiancée, Princess Angelica Litöw, brought life inside the mailbox.

Her auburn eyes went wide, scanning the whole room full of papers. "Heavens. I'm glad I've brought you some tea and snacks."

A native of the world, her integrity and all things chivalrous brought the eagerness of her people for the future and salvation of her kingdom. But to him, she was just Angie. Nothing more, nothing less.

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