He nodded and seemed to be satisfied with my answer. Then he stood up and headed towards the door but I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder and turning him around. Davide looked furious and angry at my action but I didn't care.

"Listen, I know I have no right to judge you or say anything. However it appears to be necessary. Your wife told be about your older son, Frederico. I know what happened to him.", I said and paused for a second. Matteos father didn't look angry anymore. Instead he had an cold expression on his face. Just what I expected. Then I continued.

"I'm really sorry for what happened and you should know that it wasn't your fault in case you're blaming yourself. And I know you're acting cold and hateful towards Matteo because you are scared to loose him too. You cut off all emotions to protect yourself from getting hurt again but trust me that won't work. Don't you see that Matteo does the exact same? He learned it from you.", I said pausing again.

"Since when are you a therapist?", Davide scoffed at me. Being the bigger person I chose to ignore that comment.

"The point is that you two deep down still love and care for each other. Honestly you can be so grateful to have a family. You should be thankful for every minute you get to spend with your wife and son. Don't live in the what if's. Because what if Matteo dies today or soon? You will try to pretend that you don't care but you do. And he would have died thinking you hate him for whatever reason. Live in the present. Enjoy and appreciate what you have and the people that surround you because nothing else matters. Stop being so fucking stubborn. I hope you have a decent vacation and a lot of time to make up your mind."
Then I practically ran out of the room and upstairs to wait for Matteo.

I definitely crossed a line but I had to say that. Davide and Matteo are cold all the time. Yesterday I realized it's all an act. Sure they get angry very quickly and they sometimes are honestly cold but most of the time they are acting. I have seen the little things that give them away, especially with Matteo yesterday I saw that he does care for me. Even if it's only a little bit. He doesn't completely hate me.

A knock on my door tore me out of my thoughts and I quickly got up to answer. In front of me was Matteo standing. Looking as handsome as ever. He was wearing a black suit that hugged his muscles perfectly. His hair was a little messy and I had the urge to play with it. Matteo caught me checking him out causing him to smirk at me and I blushed. Shit.

"Let's go.", he said walking towards the stairs. I ran behind him trying to keep up with his pace. Once we reached the door and walked outside I saw Giorgia and Davide placing their suitcases in the trunk of a car. Without thinking I grabbed Matteos hand and walked over to them tugging him along. The moment I touched his hand he tensed.

Upon reaching his parents I let go off his hand and hugged Giorgia. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Matteo flexing the hand I held after I let go.
(Side Note: Did you ever watched pride and prejudice? If you have, you know what scene I'm hinting at, right? You can watch it at the top ^)

"I hope you will enjoy Hawaii and have a lot of fun. Goodbye.", I said to her.
"Thank you so much. I will definitely call or text you. Matteo gave me your number. Goodbye.", she told me and pulled me into a hug again.

Then she went over to Matteo and hugged him tightly. He turned to his father and they simply nodded at each other. What did I expect anyways?
But next something happened that I never thought it would.

Davide came over to me and pulled me into a quick hug.
"Keep an eye on my son.", he whispered in my ear.
"I will.", I whispered back.

Then he took a step back and walked over to Matteo. Davide pulled him into a quick hug too. Smiling at them I saw the shock and happiness on Giorgias face. Ok, I'm proud of myself.

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