Chapter 18

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Housekeeping had to knock on the door to kick us out of the room, which would have been fine had we any clothes on, and we were smiling like scolded school children as we made our way back to the car. I hadn't stopped smiling since. Blake put the Grand Canyon to shame in terms of making the trip memorable, and I was just hopeful that she felt the same way about me. She certainly had seemed to at the time! I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed while making love, in a good way, just having fun while sharing the pleasure with my partner. It was an illuminating experience.

We drove south till we hit I-10 eastbound, our hands together on the center console the entire way. It was a sad feeling turning east towards home, knowing the trip was on the way to being over, but I was determined to enjoy every day of it. Our current goals were to hit El Paso tonight, then San Antonio, before a last night in New Orleans then getting to her house back up in Huntsville.

"I bet that hotel has nice beds!" Blake said, pointing to a roadside motel.

"You think we need a bed?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well, we don't need one, I could do a lot with you just sitting right there," she said suggestively, "But we were rudely interrupted this morning and there are a lot of things I wanted to try." She leaned over and ran her hands down my arm.

"You do want to arrive in one piece, right?" I said with a little catch in my voice. I had to admit it, when she acted like this it made me want to pull over early and try out one of those hotel beds.

"I'm sorry! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this!" she whined.

"This morning wasn't enough?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"This morning was just a nibble, but I'm still starving," she assured me.

"And what would it take to fill you up?" I asked innocently.

She blushed and stared at me. "You said that on purpose!"

"Well, obviously. But I had to ask." I couldn't help but chuckle since it was usually me on the receiving end of those comments.

"Well then obviously the answer would be you," she said with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Me?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, you are what it would take to fill me up," she said, her hand sliding up my thigh.

Yes, I'm a complete idiot, I had completely forgotten the question I had just asked. I was fortunate that I had the cruise control on because her hand was definitely making my leg very tense.

"Navigator? How long till we get to the hotel?" I asked, trying to focus.

"3 more hours," she said after a quick glance at the GPS display.

"All right. See if you can find a department store on the way."

"A department store?"

"Yep, I want to buy a few ties."

"Oh? Are we going out for a fancy dinner?"

"Nope. I'm going to tie you up tonight and have you for dessert," I promised her.

Blake was suddenly quiet, and I could see her face beet red out of the corner of my eye. She didn't speak for a few minutes, though I could see her open her mouth a few times as if she wanted to. "Are you serious about that?" she finally blurted out.

"If you'd be interested in something about that, absolutely," I told her with a grin. "But if that is too far, then I'll be more than happy to do whatever you're in the mood for."

She sat still for a bit again, her finger rubbing her chin. "Can I tie you up tomorrow then?" she asked shyly, but with a touch of excitement.

"Blake, we both know that we're a team on this trip, we do everything together. So, if that is what you want, then that is what you get." I was certainly up for her taking the lead if she wanted, new experiences were usually the best.

"You might regret that; I've seen some interesting videos online you know," she said smoothly.

"You've what?" I said, a little concerned.

"Purely for research, of course," she assured me. "I derived no actual pleasure from it, but I needed to make sure I covered all of the bases for my writing." She broke into giggles so cutely that I had to laugh along with her.

"Oh, of course, research is important," I agreed, wondering if she would ever want to do the research in person instead of watching the videos.

"Then let's go get those ties!" she commanded.

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