Chapter 15

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"We should be in Flagstaff around dinner time. Want me to find a place to eat?" Blake asked as we drove westward.

"Sure, pick a place." I agreed.

"You trust me to pick on my own?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course. Just no tacos, since that was lunch." I replied. And I did trust her, she was a great companion on this trip and I knew she'd find some place good.

She was busy tapping on her phone for a bit, then reached over and updated the GPS destination on my phone. "Wood fired pizza it is!" she announced.

"Good call, I could use a pizza." I concurred. Any time I could get pizza cooked in a coal or wood fired oven, I was all over it.

Blake continued typing away on her phone, though this time I wasn't sure what she was doing. "You want to spend the night there?" she asked.

"Well, that is a good question. I wasn't sure what direction we wanted to go in once we hit Flagstaff, so we may need to make a decision over dinner."

"Looks like we could keep heading west to Vegas or L.A., or south towards Phoenix" She said while looking over Google maps. "If we go north, we can hit... Oh!" she gasped. "The Grand Canyon! I didn't know we'd be so close!"

"I think you just made our decision. Spend the night in Flagstaff and do a day trip to the Canyon? Then we can head wherever you like."

She looked over, grinning like a kid. "I've always wanted to see the canyon, I can't wait!" She stomped her feet on the car's floor in anticipation.

"I like seeing you this excited about something!" It was infectious, and I was looking forward to the canyon as much as she was now. I had never seen it, and it had always been on my bucket list of things to do. Now it would be a highlight of the trip.

"Well, if you like seeing me excited, I know some ways you could do that," she said, looking over at me while raising her eyebrows.

"How did I not see that coming?" I said, blushing.

"I could show you that too," she said innocently,

"You're really incorrigible!" I couldn't believe how forward she was being, and it was very much a turn on.

She was back to typing on her phone, her fingers flying over the keypad, though I wasn't sure what she was looking up now.

"Finding more to do?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm finishing that wizard book so I can start a new one." She said, concentrating on her typing. "Quick question. Would you rather lick a pulsating pea of passion or a pleasure nub?"

"A what?" I asked, confused. "Say that again."

"Pretend you're using your tongue to pleasure a young sorceress who just rescued you, would you rather lick a pulsating pea of passion or a pleasure nub?" she said while giggling.

"Are those the only choices?" I was trying to keep my mind focused on the road and not doing that exact thing to her.

"Listen, I can't keep calling body parts the same things over and over, you have to keep coming up with new names. It can be exhausting!" she complained.

"All right. Well, if I had to go with one, I'd go with the pea of passion. The pulsating part worries me, but peas are tasty, I could eat those all day," two could play this game.

"You.... You could?"

"Oh absolutely. Once I find something I like to eat, I don't stop."

"Uh huh. Well, that is good to know," she said softly, shifting a bit in her seat. "So, umm, what are your thoughts on monstrous mammary mounds?"

"Monstrous?? Sound kinda scary. Though, if she is a sorcerous who can change her shape into a monster, I guess it makes sense."

"In this case it just means large."

"How large? Like, I have to worry about them crushing my head large?"

"Well, they don't have to be that large, I guess. Maybe my size," she said giggling.

"I wouldn't call yours monstrous," I pointed out.

"What would you call them?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

My mind still had a firm vision of her standing in the shower. "Perfect."

She was silent for a moment, and I almost thought I was winning. She started lifting her shirt, wiggling it past the seatbelts till her lacy black bra was exposed. "Perfect? I don't know. You sure?" she said, rotating towards me.

Eyes on the road Ethan, eyes on the road! "Okay, okay, you win!" I stammered.

"I'd like to say we both win," she said seductively, running her fingers over my arm as I gripped the steering wheel.

"Hey, I do still have to drive!"

"All right, I'll stop. I have to start on the new book anyway."

"A new book? What will this be about?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Well, this time Ethan is going to go on a road trip with a roadside stranger that he rescues."

"Uh huh. That seems to ring a bell for some reason," I said a little sarcastically.

She just hummed happily. "You're going to have to help me with the steamy parts though. Think you're up for it?"

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