Chapter 13

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The tubing slope was quite busy. Evidently the tubing and skiing were some of the attractions that had caused the spring break crowd here. We also weren't dressed appropriately. Jeans and long sleeve shirts were fine for being out and about during this time of the year, but with the temperature in the low 40s, and us getting wet from rolling around in melting snow, they were soaking wet messes in a short amount of time.

But damn was it fun.

We stuck to the tandem tubes, because Blake pointed out that we were under doctor's orders to have a road trip together, so we needed to ride everything together too. I wasn't complaining in the least, it was just a great way to spend the day. We took turns wiping out into snowbanks and helping each other up after one of many slips while hiking to the top of the hill again. We both knew very quickly that we were going to be sore after this, but we had another night in the hotel to sleep it off, so we weren't worried.

"You picked a winner, thanks for finding that pamphlet." I said to Blake as I pulled her up for the last run of the day.

"I'm so glad you brought me on this trip," she beamed at me as we both panted at the top of the slope.

"I am too, I don't think I would have ended up here without you," I admitted. Truthfully, I probably would have gone someplace boring and just hunkered down in a hotel for a few days. This was much more of an adventure, and I was having the most fun I'd had since I could even remember. Maybe she really was prescription strength.

We made it to the front of the line once more, and I put the tube down, settling into the back. She planted her butt in the front and hung on to my lower legs that were wrapped around her. "Ready!" she called out over her shoulder.

I felt the attendant give us a little shove to get us started, and I used my arms to push off and give us some more momentum and we were off and sliding down the slope. I could hear Blake laughing and screaming in front of me, and we both had our hands up like we were on a roller coaster. We caught a little air as we went over the bumps, and I knew we were really moving, it was a blast.

It would have been the perfect last run had a little girl who had been in front of us not let go of the tow rope on her tube, and sent it sliding back towards us. It wouldn't have been an issue for us to run into it, but the little girl had to go chasing it as well, taking her right into where our tube was going. I heard Blake scream, and I dug my foot into the snow to try and change our direction, but only succeeded in flipping us, sending the tube flying and the pair of us along with it. We ended up in a jumble, Blake's head smacking into my lip and her body on top of mine. I heard a groan, but wasn't sure if it was mine or Blake's.

"Come on Lisa!" I heard the mom of the little girl say as she was pulled away from our wreckage. Yeah, thanks for the help, we're fine.

"You okay?" I was able to say coherently.

She raised her head, and I could see she was crying, but laughing at the same time. "Oh man, that was so fun!" she giggled.

I smiled in response and wrapped my hands around her. "Nothing broken?"

"Oh, just your lip! You're bleeding." I knew it had been hit, but it didn't feel too bad.

"A small price to pay."

"Come on, get your lazy butt up," she said while standing and offering me her hand. I gratefully took it, and we trudged back to the tube return to drop off our ride.

A quick stop in the lodge to get some hot chocolate and we were back in the car, moaning in pleasure as the seat heaters kicked in and we were rubbing our asses into the leather. Yeah, my car liked it, I could tell.

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