I Want You. I Need You. II

Start from the beginning

Andy lowered her hand under the table and squeezed his hand.

- Thank you! This means so much. She whispered.

- Anything for you. He whispered back.


They just came back from the call and Sullivan waited for them in the barn with the Fire Chief. He came to congratulate Herrera on the promotion.

The truck pulled in but everyone were frustrated. Andy exited the truck and slammed the door so hard. She was pissed.

- Bishop, my office now! She shouted not bothered that Fire Chief was there.

- I don't know what's going on with you. You can't just disobey my order because you think it's the right thing to do. I'm captain for a reason and we all know what is the reason. She said with raised voice.
Maya, you made a mistake last month that almost costs me my life. I don't want to repeat your mistake. She said more calmly than before.

- I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. You have my word. Can I go now? Maya asked.

- Maya I didn't want to see you for the last two weeks because I was pissed. Angry. Oh god how I was so angry. I didn't want to see you because I would say things that I could not take back. I needed time to process all and to figure out what to do next.

- And? Maya asked with teary eyes.

- I will eventually forgive you but for now I'm just not there yet.

- I understand. I was stupid and stubborn and it was clear I didn't know how to handle the situation.

Andy gave her a comforting look and dismissed her. After Maya left the office the Fire Chief got in to congratulate her and to see if everything is okay. They chatted a little and he was gone.

Robert didn't want to go in there to ask what happened. He gave her space to settle in and figure it out on her own. He knew she got this.


The team was in the barn cleaning the truck and chatting. Andy was in the office doing paperwork, Robert was in his office upstairs doing the same thing. When shouting interrupted him and he went on the cat walk.

While cleaning the trucks Jack made an assumption or better say a theory where Andy was those two weeks. Maya said she wasn't with her and when she went to her dad's she wasn't there either. They were all chatting where might she was until Vic yelled.

- Can you all please shut up.

Everyone's eyes were on Vic.

- You know something. Travis claimed.

He knew Vic was bad at keeping secrets but this particular one she needed to keep. So Robert got out of his office in the right time to stop it.

- Nineteen! What is the fuss about?

- Nothing, sir. Everyone said unison.

He nodded and left and Vic could breathe again. Andy got in the barn after everything was over.

- What was that all about? She asked Vic.

- They started to made assumptions and theories where are you staying. Thankfully Sullivan stopped on time.

- Ugh okay. Good.

- Soo? How it is? How is he?

- He is so sweet and caring. I don't know what I'm going to do. I love him Vic. She whispered.
Is that crazy? Am I crazy?

- You're not. I know the feeling. It was the same with Lucas and I. I loved him I think immediately. So no you are not crazy, you are just crazy in love. Vic smiled.

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