"Good, Now believe in yourself and my awesome self, we will accomplish mission BCNTOP," says Apollo, trying and succeeding in obtaining a smile albeit a weak one from his traveling companion/bestie.


"Break the hybrid Curse so that Niklaus can Turn into an Oversized Puppy"


"Yes, darling cousin?"

"Never name things again."

Perseus looked at the sign once more time and sighed.

Mission BCNTOP, starting now.


"Hello? Whoever this is if you do not have something of my interest I assure you that I will tear out your vocal cords for disturbing me." Niklaus's voice boomed from the other side of the phone. Perseus knew that only by hearing the edge in his brother's voice that said brother was irritated and was not amused in the slightest as silence engulfed them. Not wanting to annoy his little brother more even if it was rather funny to imagine him fuming while pressing the phone to his ear. A smirk played at his lips and an amused glint shined in his eyes as he replied.

"This was certainly not the way I was hoping you will speak to me after not listening to my amazing voice in a decade."

The other line went silent this time. A real smile made its way onto the face of the god as he heard a slight crack in the voice of his brother. "Seus?"


"Is it you, brother?" Klaus asked still shocked.

"Oh, dearest Nik do you know anyone else with such pleasant vocal cords as mine−which I do not appreciate you threatening to remove?" Perseus answered in a silky smooth voice feigning offense.

"It has been a long time." the blonde brother croaked out.

"So it has." Perseus's voice was heavy with emotion.

Niklaus the self-proclaimed king of vampires, sounded hopeful after a long– long time.
"But why did you call me, are you taking a vacation from your duties?"

"Can't I call my favorite brother just to hear his voice?"Percy teased.

"I'll believe you when you don't say the same thing to each one of our siblings" Nik replied in retaliation, "Now, out with it."

"Perhaps you are right, but this time my vacation has one purpose dear brother, it is time for a family meeting," Perseus answered, increasing the suspense with each second.

"Please don't tell me it is not a ball, Elijah is pestering me enough to host another ball with our siblings." Nik drawled bored.

"Oh brother, but this Family Meeting is for you, it will bring you great joy I assure you."

"Then please dearest brother, enlighten me with your purpose which will bring me enjoyment?"

"I have found the news of a human doppelganger Niklaus at the same place where everything began."

"Are–are you sure?" Nik managed.

"Hmm, my intel ensures that the information is perfectly correct and also there is a possibility that Elijah is almost here."

"But he could kill her!" Nik panicked, thinking about how Elijah can kill his precious doppelganger so he can have his revenge for yet another murdered lover.

"Calm Brother, Elijah knows how important this is for you, he won't jeopardize family for petty reasons."

"Lijah is not petty." Nik managed, he sounded like he was reassuring himself.

"Indeed, It is time for us to show a reunited front."

"Now leave me to take care of 'Lijah and bring him to his senses, Mission B.C.N.T.O.P. Stage one."


"You seriously don't want to know, believe me, it was Apollo's idea." which in turn earned a protest of 'my acronyms are just as amazing as I thank you very much from the god who had not spoken since the phone call started almost making Percy forget that he was there.

"Okay." He replied, trying not to think of all the ridiculous full forms it could have.

"Until the end brother" Perseus vowed to remember his promise to his siblings.

"Until the end"


question for today,

Who do you think could be your Godly Parent?

Me? Hades.


1201 Words

Hello, darlings,

Rewritten with love.
I thought that maybe Perseus would not let Klaus dagger their siblings.

Help me in writing by sharing your plot ideas or correcting my mistakes in the comments or private messages.





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