Chapter eighteen

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"No way Niall." I say walking out of the living room.

"Come on Louis, It's perfect." Niall begs.

"Your insane if you think I'm going to his house EVER again."

"Can I ask you something?"

I turn around to face Niall and nod for him to continue.

"What does Harry mean too you?" he asks.

"Why the fuck does it matter?" I spat.

Niall rolls his eyes and laughs. "Your so difficult, just answer the question Lou."

I look down at my shoes trying to put together words to describe what Harry means to me. I don't know how to explain it. He changed me. Meeting him is something I'll never forget.

"He had this smile that could make me lose all track of time. He was the first person I confided in about all of my insecurities and fears, and he helped me overcome all of them." I say looking up at Niall trying to hold back my tears.

"Let's sit down." Niall says guiding me back into the living room. I sit down on his couch and take a deep breath. "You don't have to keep going if you don't want too."

"I need to."

He nods, and I close my eyes trying to get my thoughts together once again.

"Harry and I weren't always together like you guys think." I say.

"Wait really? We thought you guys started dating during boot camp." Niall says shocked.

"Our relationship has many and many ups and downs. Shit It had twists, turns, sideways, upside downs-

"Okay, Lou I get it" Niall laughs.

"Sorry." I say smiling. "Anyways during boot camp Harry and me, I would say were at a level where we were friends but both of us were too scared to see if it was more. I liked him so much. It was like a fucking school boy crush or some shit. At the time I didn't know how Harry felt, so I wasn't going to try anything until the night of the sleepover."

"Oh my god, the sleepover at Harry's place. I remember that night like it was yesterday."

I remember it like it was yesterday too. "So that night after we all went to sleep, I heard Harry leave the bungalow, so I went out after him. When I found him outside he was crying, and I didn't know what was wrong because we all had a fun night. So I asked him what was wrong, and he just stood there continuing to cry Niall." I say sniffling.

"I was ready to kill somebody for fucking hurting him and I told him I would and when I said that he looked at me with those fucking beautiful big green eyes and told me he was gay. I looked at him and my response was so bad Niall, so bad."

"Oh shit what did you say?" Niall says leaning back into the couch.

"I fucking laughed." I say putting my face in my hands.

"Louis, why did you laugh?" Niall asks giggling.

"The same reason your laughing right now, because I'm an idiot. I had already figured Harry was gay or at least bisexual. Anyways like I was saying, I laughed and Harry punched me in the shoulder and asked me why I was laughing, and I just told him the truth. I said no straight guy gets naked that much. And to this day I stand by that statement."

Niall starts laughing and wiping his eyes. "Your ridiculous, so then what?"

"So then Harry laughed and I wiped his eyes and told him nothing was gonna change because he was gay and that all of you would feel the same way." I say.

"So when did it become more than friendly with you too." he asks.

The day I fell in love. "Um... Well at the What Makes You Beautiful music video shoot. Harry was nervous about having to sing to that damn girl, and I was just pissed that a girl was involved at all. Harry could've sung to the fucking waves or something. Anyways he was nervous so I told him to practice singing to me and when he finished something in me just said go for it and I kissed him. It felt like everything around us froze, and it was silent and everything felt right and when John Urbano called for Harry to come start filming when pulled apart and right there I knew I had fallen in love with him." I say wiping my eyes.

"Wow. Can I ask you something else?"

"God damn Niall are you trying to kill me today?"

He continues to stare at me waiting for an answer."Fine one more question and that's it." I say.

"Are you still in love with him?"

In love with him. Am I? I don't know. I pushed him away a long time ago, and I have Eleanor. Not only that, but I can't love him. He deserves more than me. "I uh... I-

I get cut off by a knock at the door. Niall and I look at each other. Who the fuck is it?

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