Chapter eleven

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Hour 11

I open my eyes and can't see anything. Damn, I must've fallen asleep. I stand up and start feeling around for the lamp switch. I turn on the light and still see Harry's phone on the couch where I left it. Fuck he still isn't back what time is it? I get my phone out of my pocket and see it's 9:11pm. How did I sleep that long?

"Where is he?" I whisper to myself starting to worry. I should've chased after him. He's probably fucking lost or worse he's hurt. I start pacing around my living room on the verge of tears. "FUCK LOUIS YOU RUIN EVERYTHING," I scream grabbing the clock and throwing it against the wall.

Shit, why did I do that? El is gonna kill me. "Fuck it that clock was ugly anyway." I think to myself. I should call Liam he will know what to do. I unlock my phone looking for Liam's contact when I hear singing.

"Is that fucking Harry?" I say running towards the front door. I open the door and find Harry singing and twirling around like some ballerina.

"Losing him was blue like I'd never known, missing him was dark gray, all alone." he sings.

Is he really singing Taylor Swift right now? "HARRY!" I scream.

He twirls facing me and freezes. "Yes, my love?" he burps.

"Are you fucking drunk right now? You've been gone for hours and I've been worried sick. I thought you were hurt or something!"

"I'm back now boo don't worry your pretty little head," he says staggering past me into the house.

Is he serious right now? I walk into the house behind him slamming the door.

"Looks like someone is angry." he giggles.

"Yes, I'm fucking angry. Where were you?"

"I just walked around for a little."

"Harry it's been 5 hours and I'm pretty sure they don't pass out alcohol on the sidewalks." I scoff.

"I went to a friend's place," he mumbles.

"What friend?"

"Just someone I've been working with."

"Okay, then just tell me," I say trying to steady my breath. Why am I pissed he was with someone?

"Her name is Olivia."


"Stop screaming and yes. We just had a couple drinks, Lou."

"You left me in this house worried sick for five hours so you could go fuck your director?"

"No!" He screams.

"BULLSHIT! You're drunk and she's practically a milf Harry."

"Don't fucking say stuff like that. We just had a couple drinks, nothing happened," he says walking towards me.

I don't know why I care so much. Harry can be with whoever he wants but something about this rubs me the wrong way. "Promise?" I say looking up at him.

He smiles showing both of his dimples that I used to poke and tease him about all the time. "I promise I didn't touch her Louis," he says bringing his hand to my cheek.

Please kiss me. No, don't kiss me. Fuck I don't know what I want anymore. My eyes are still locked with his. His emerald green eyes give me this knot in my chest every time. He starts leaning into me. He's gonna kiss me.

"Wanna play truth or drink?" he asks.

Are you fucking kidding me? "Uh yeah sure." I gulp.

He walks into the kitchen leaving me standing in the hallway missing his hand on my cheek.

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