Chapter thirteen

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Author's Note: Thank you guys for all the love so far on this book! Prepare yourself for this chapter lol Love u guys!

Hour 22

I open my eyes and look around the room. When did I come into my room? I lift the covers off of me and see I'm only in my boxers. "Where the fuck are my shorts?" I say.

"Lou shut up my head hurts." a voice under the covers says from beside me.

Holy Shit. Harry. I didn't. We didn't. I pull the covers off of harry and see he's only in his boxers too.

"Oh my god!" I yell getting out of the bed.

"Lou, why are you yelling?" Harry asks sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"I can not believe we had sex last night," I say pacing around the room. "I cheated on my girlfriend with my ex. I'm supposed to be getting married."

"I knew you would regret it," Harry says under his breath but I catch it.

"Then why the fuck did you do it!" I scream at him.

"Are you fucking serious? I didn't fucking rape you asshole, you told me too." Harry yells.

"I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing?" I mumble.

Wait what time is it? I run over to the nightstand to grab my phone.

10:14 A.M.

"Oh my god, Eleanor will be here around noon. Harry, you need to leave." I say.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Harry, it's been 24 hours okay, can you please just leave?"

"It's actually been 22 you prick," Harry says throwing the remote at me.

I probably deserved that. Harry gets dressed and walks out of the bedroom. I follow him into the guest room.

"Harry I'm not trying to be an asshole, okay? I'm just getting married and what we did last night was-"

"Move," Harry says cutting me off and brushing past me with his bags.

"Harry listen," I say.

"No, you listen." He says turning towards me. "You Louis Tomlinson are a selfish prick and I hate you."

I see tears form at the brim of his eyes and something in me right there breaks. "Harry I-"

"I said listen."

I shut up and continue looking into his emerald eyes. "I hate you because you made me fall in love with you. You would stare at me in the x-factor house and leave me good luck notes under my pillow because you knew I hated my voice," he says finally letting his tears fall.

He continues. "When we were shooting our first music video I was so nervous because they said I had to sing to a girl and you told me you would help me. You took me behind that hideous orange van and told me to sing to you."

"Harry please," I say crying now.

"You told me to sing to you so I could practice. So I looked you in the eyes. Your beautiful blue eyes. I sang the verse to you and you grabbed my chin and told me it was amazing and I kissed you. After that day my whole world changed. I finally felt like myself. We met each other's families and we were good Louis. We were so good. I fell in love with you. Now I wish I had none of those memories."

"Harry don't fucking say that," I say bawling my eyes out now.

"I hate you for ever making me think I was more than I was," Harry says picking up his bag from the floor.

I'm frozen, tears streaming down my face. The door slams. And just like that, he's gone.

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