Yato x Reader: Daisy

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Yato secretly always loved flowers. He loved the way they looked at full potential, and how they smelled. He always called you a daisy-his favorite flower- since you were so plain it made you unique.

He would tell you everyday.

That was before all of this happened.

You didn't die, but you surely weren't alive. 

How did you whined up in this mess?

"_________! Stand back!" Yato yelled towards you.

"Ya...to...", you mumbled. 

You didn't move, you couldn't. What were you two fighting? Where were you?

It looked like your high school, but somehow...something seemed off.

You blanked out for a split second, getting snatched and thrown against a brick wall.

"_________! Snap out of it!" Yato yelled.

What the hell just threw you? What was happening?

You felt that same sensation again as the unknown object lifted you off the ground. You stayed in it's grasp, limp like a noodle. Your head was spinning, and your mind was wondering what to do.

In the background, you could hear Yato's voice.

He was calling out to you, as if desperate.

"_________...come back to me, ___________", he said.

His voice sounded...sad. It was shaky and upset. What was happening to you?

"I need you, _________. We need each other...", he croaked slightly.

You stayed silent, listening to every last word he said, until you could hear his breathing slow down.

When you finally snapped out of it, you didn't realize the amount of blood that was all over you. Your right hand was outstretched and covered in the red liquid. When you tried moving your fingers around, the only thing you felt was the chilling sensation of slimy, squishy insides.

Intestines and blood that weren't yours. 

Your eyes slowly trailed up from your arm to the face you didn't expect-no-want to see.

He didn't attack you. He couldn't attack you.

"Tch......__-_________", he choked out again.

His piercing blue eyes met yours, a small smile on his face as he struggled to breathe.

"Y-You can't-....you can't let...th-the enemy...wi-n..."

Falling to the ground, you watched as your friend went down. A hole now in his stomach, his eyes were left open, staring blankly at the sky.

"No...", you whispered at first.

"NO!" you screamed again.

"Yato, get up! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, don't go this way! You can't!"

Yukine, his weapon, took it upon himself to kill the enemy. He couldn't bare to watch you two, so he did what he could, taking it out easily.

Yato lied motionless, you're pleas reaching him, but he only had enough strength to say so many words.

"________", he started, slowly raising his right arm to gently touch the side of your face.

You covered his hand to make sure it stayed in place, waiting for him to answer.

"Out of all the flowers in the world...you were my favorite...", he whispered to you sweetly.

"Now's not the time to be using pick up lines, Yato!" you rejected.

You could feel his hand starting to slip, and you held it tighter, waiting for him to say something else.

".....You are...the most...unique...daisy....", he breathe out.

You couldn't help but cry about it, seeing as his last words had to be so cliche that it hurt you even more.

The only thing you regret?

Not telling him how you felt whenever he called you his favorite flower.

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