I put my belongings; scrolls, books, clothing, food, bottles filled with water, toiletries and even the furniture that I used for my house! Into my Item Box. I made a sword that I made a few years ago and named it Benihime, sliding it into the side of my waist just in case someone had decided to attack me on my journey. I walked out of the wooden structure I had called my home for a decade; it was a simple one-story cottage, I used wood jutsu to construct it and I must admit, it was good practice.

Anyways, I used a fire jutsu to burn the structure to ash and I used earth jutsu to bury the remains. It was so, if someone would come across this area, they wouldn't know there was a person living here all this time. Then I walked away from the former location of my house and walked into the forest to start my journey.

A few days later...

I sat in a room, sipping tea, and looking out at the window to see the view of the garden. How did I get into this position?


It was two days ago, and I was walking in the forest, minding my own business until I came upon a boy around my age leaning against a tree unconscious. I walked up to said boy and looked at him closer. He had white hair and was wearing blue armer, but what caught my eye was the red blood seeping through his armor from his left lower abdomen.

I quickly took off his armor that covered the wound and laid him down. When I inspected the flesh wound, there wasn't an infection and I sighed in relief. I put my hand above his wound and used Medical Ninjutsu on it. My hand glowed green and the wound started to regenerate. Once it was done, I pulled out my bottle of water and a rag from Item Box, pouring water on the rag and used said rag to clean the blood on the boy. When I was done with that, I put the bloodied rag and the now empty bottle of water back into Item Box and stood up. I put the amor back on the boy and positioned him against the tree, leaving a quick note telling him to rest and drink plenty of water when he got back home. I also placed a barrier around him, so wild animals and people couldn't harm him while he was resting. The only way it could be released is by the caster or the person inside of the barrier was to cast release on it.

I then walked away from him and jumped into the trees to continue my journey. Once I was a while away, far enough from where the boy rested at, I finally stopped in a tree. Making sure my hood was on, I decided that it was a good idea to rest for a few hours. I closed my eyes to let myself to rest, after I set up a sensory barrier around me to warn me if someone was too close.

A few hours later, I believe, I jolted awake as I was warned by the barrier that people were coming, and they were coming quick. I quickly stood up, still groggy from my nap and started to tree jump away. When I was running away, I decided for some strange reason that I wouldn't use half of the speed I would usually use, but instead settled for just a fourth. I thought that it was a good speed, slow enough not to waste my energy and enough to be faster than them.

I spent a few minutes doing this but the party behind me were gaining distance and coming close, I finally looked behind me and the white hair boy from before was one of the people chasing after me, I had also taken noticed that he had blood red eyes. Then there was another boy that looked older than the white head and he had brown eyes and long hair, he was the one taking charge I believe. Then he started to yell at me,

"Wait! Please wait!" I thought over his words and sighed, I don't know why but I stopped tree jumping and they finally caught up. I made sure my hood was on me when I asked,

"What do you want from me?"

"Well before we get to that, my name is Hashirama Senju and I'm the heir to the Senju Clan." The newly named, Hashirama, introduced himself.

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