Chapter 14 - No, Not Happening.

Start from the beginning

"Don't you fucking ask me that. Do I look okay?! My pack has pretty much been killed.. Including my parents and my best friend, do you think I'm feeling all fine and dandy?!"

"I'm sorry.. I was just-"

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped. Its just, well, too much to take in."

"I know, we'll find out why they attacked and-"

"We'll get revenge and kill them slowly and painfully."

"Woah, never thought of you as the type who was-"

"They killed the people I loved. I don't fucking care about their worthless lives. They're dead either way."

"You're kind of hot when you're angry.." I shoot a glare at him. He puts the one free arm he had in the air, surrendering.

We get to the pack house and I go straight to the Alpha's room. I storm in and he was sitting beside his Luna, my old Luna. Is she dead?

"Is she dead?" I ask.


"I need answers."


"Yes. Why would they attack? They wouldn't have attacked unless something had happened. What did you do?"


"No, don't give me that."

"I don't know, I haven't done anything. But I think they've freed the captured rogues."

"They're building an army. They're attacking packs to gain fellow rogues." Dylan concludes.

"Soon, we're next." I say, slightly frightened.

"Not on my watch."

"Or mine. I think I'd like to kill them with my bare hands."

"Baby, I know you're angry but leave the killing to me."



"I want revenge."


We head back to our own pack. Dylan made me go to bed. So, I was lying down in bed staring at the ceiling while Dylan was in his office.

I huffed.

I needed to talk to the rogues. The leader. I needed to find out why he or she attacked. I mean, yes they probably wanted to free their fellow rogues but the thing is, they've only attacked my pack.

What did my Alpha do? I mean, he's only been handed the Alpha title two years ago. He's eighteen now.

Maybe it had something to do with his dad? His dad did hand down the title quite hastily. Is he hiding something?

Sadly I can't ask him. He died last year. Its down to him isn't it?

I heard the door open and I looked towards the door. Dylan stalked in, closing the door and walking to the bed stripping his clothes off as he gets closer.

He walks around the other side of the bed and climbs in, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me ever so close. "Dylan?"


"I think it's down to my old Alpha. He's done something to piss off the rogues. Two years ago he handed down the Alpha title to his son quite hastily. Like he had done something and wanted to pass it on.. Chris was only sixteen when he was Alpha.."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but its a possibility.. But we can't ask the former Alpha. He died last year."

My Possessive Alpha | completedWhere stories live. Discover now