Chapter 6

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"Hans" you moaned. He turned back to you and shot over your shoulder at a terrorist behind you.

You jumped and tried to hobble faster after Hans as he shot terrorist after terrorist, trying to get out with you.

In the end, you both got to Fritz's car, the key was in the car and Hans quickly started the engine, reversing out and getting onto the road, heading toward where the meetup point was. You were in shock as Hans drove. His suit was splattered with blood and his murderous glint hadn't gone from his eyes. He focused on the road, driving to a small cafe, taking his jacket off to reveal a mostly non-red dress shirt and finally he turned to you.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I am in a lot of pain" you mumbled. "My leg feels as if it is infected, I haven't eaten since yesterday and I am sure I have been bleeding from my head."

"Let me get something for you to eat" Hans mumbled, his hands reaching for the car door.

"No" you said loudly, grabbing hold of Hans' shoulder. "Please don't leave me" tears started to fall from your eyes and Hans closed the door again.

"Never again" Hans mumbled, climbing into the back seats where you lay. He kissed you gently, cupping your cheek in his rough hands and stroking it gently. You sighed and smiled into his lips, you missed the way his beard tickled your cheeks and how sweet his kisses were.

"I will never leave you alone again" Hans whispered, letting go of your lips and staring into your eyes.

"Thank you" you mumbled.

Hans looked down your body and shuffled over to the wound on your leg. He picked up a small first aid kit and gently cleaned the wound before taking a pair of tweezers out. "This might hurt" he said, carefully lowering the tweezers into the bullet hole.

"Hans what are you doing?" you asked shakily.

"Taking the bullet out" Hans said plainly, pushing the long tweezers in further. You started to cry putting your hands in and out of fists, the pain already bad as Hans delved around in your leg, trying to find the bullet which was lodged in your leg. He was glad that the sun was at an angle that gave him a good view inside, he also used a torch to find the bullet which was lodged into your Tibia (lower leg bone). Hans managed to slowly and gently take it out, being careful not to drop the bullet or touch the sides of your wound.

"Put your hand out" he ordered. You did so and he dropped the bullet into your hand. You stared at it and turned it around in your hand. You felt a wave of nausea and as Hans picked the bullet back up and pocketed it. "It doesn't look infected" Hans said, putting the tweezers back into the kit and wrapping your leg in a bandage.

"Thank goodness" you mumbled, you felt dizzy again. Hans gently raised your head and laid your head on his lap, looking out for the others while gently stroking your hair.

"Thank you" you mumbled. "For saving me and taking the dratted bullet out of me"

"You are welcome my dear" he answered, still looking out of the window.

"Who are we waiting for?" you asked, exhausted and tired

"Theo and Karl" he said as you began to fall asleep on his lap.

A short while later Theo pulled into the carpark, Karl next to him, they noticed Hans and got into the car, they noticed you, all bloody and dirty and then Hans who's face still and hands still had blood on them.

"You both look like you have walked out of a zombie apocalypse" Theo said chuckling.

"Is (y/n) okay?" Karl asked, pushing his blonde hair back from his face.

"She needs food and a change of clothes" Hans said, stroking your hair as you had fallen asleep on Hans' lap.

"That is fine" Karl said.

"What happened?" Theo asked, "because the men who went to see left in a hurry"

"I murdered them all" Hans muttered, the glint coming back into his eyes, "Including that person on the phone" he smiled, looking down at you. "And now my (y/n) is safe and sound"

"Thank goodness for that" Theo said.

Hans pushed some hair out of your face, letting you sleep soundly on his lap.

"So what happens now?" Karl asked.

"We go our separate ways, but first you need to get new clothes for us, we cannot go out dressed in this attire"

Karl and Theo bought you and Hans new clothes and some food and went their separate ways, leaving you and Hans together. Hans decided to drive out of Phoenix and go north, stopping in a small town and hiring a hotel room you stayed the night together. Hans didn't let you out of his sight and checked on your leg every couple of hours, making sure that it wasn't infected. From the town you drove to Albuquerque where you booked a plane back to Germany.

Both you and Hans felt relieved, Hans has shown his power so hopefully, the terrorists wouldn't go after him and you were safe and your leg healing well, Hans was right, it was not infected at all and you thankfully didn't need to go to the hospital for it.

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