Chapter 4

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You woke on the floor. Your leg started to ache badly and you could put little weight on it. Taking the makeshift bandages you saw the damage, a hole in your leg, a thumbs width. Your stomach flipped and you tried your best to clean the blood of the wound with a clean part of your jumper. You ached for Hans, he would know what to do, protect you and look after you, you hoped he was on his way to find you and bring your captures to justice in his way. The door opened and you flinched, it was a man, not the man with a gun but another man who put down a plate of food, a cup and left. You dragged yourself over to it and looked at the food suspiciously. It was cold beans which had been put on a plate, the drink being just water. As much as you hated it you ate it, not wanting to starve in this disgusting basement and anyway, Hans was coming to save you, you needed to stay alive for him.

Dragging yourself back to the corner you settled yourself, huddling into the edge. You were in a lot of pain and hopped that the wound was not infected.

"I have a plan" Hans suddenly declared. Karl looked back at Hans who sat in the back of the car while Theo drove. "Fritz does not know there are three of us, Karl you wait at the pickup point of the money, beat up the guy there, Theo you go to where we hand the key over and I go to the address.

"Do you think it is right to split up?" Theo asked.

"Yes" Hans stated. "You Theo just need to keep them talking while Karl gets rid of the member who goes to get the money.

"But how will we explain you not being there?" Karl asked.

"I am still in Hermosillo" he stated. "I sent you to collect her because I am in fear that if I go I will be murdered as I used to be in the movement."

"I do not think they will buy it" Theo said. "Well (y/n) is dead" he said cheerfully.

"Shut it Theo" Karl muttered as Hans stared at Theo angrily.

"Hans is right, many fear that if they leave that they will be killed by the movement" Karl said. "I would believe it if I were still part of it"

The car went to silence again, Theo driving down the long motorway.

"What will you do at the place?" Theo asked. "Hans?"

Hans had taken his gun out and started to count the bullets. "Hm? Oh, shoot them all"

"You think you can do that on your own?" Karl asked, concerned.

"Have you still got the AK47s?" Hans asked. Karl nodded. "Then I will use that too. Just hire a car in Phoenix and I take this one.

Theo nodded slowly, before looking back at Hans, who put the bullets back in his handgun and put the magazine into its casing. He has gone crazy Theo thought but carried on driving.

It was Sunday evening when the car got to Phoenix and immediately the team went to sleep, exhausted from another day of driving. Hans couldn't sleep well, he couldn't stop thinking about your screams and wished tomorrow would come sooner than the snail's pace it was. He felt guilty, he should have been there to protect you from Fritz and the Volksfrei movement, now you were being tortured in a prison when you were supposed to be on a tropical island with Hans, living out your dreams. With that thought, Hans fell into a difficult sleep.

You laid on the floor of the cell, bored and scared. None had come for you, neither friend or foe and it was cold, your jumper laying in tatters gave you no warmth. The door opened to reveal the man with the gun. You cringed into the wall away from the man who had given you so much pain in the last 24 hours.

"Today is the big day!" the man said, twirling the gun in his hands. You stayed silent. "Aww you are no fun" he said, coming closer. "You don't want to ask why?"

"Why" you stated.

"Because I am selling you back to your boyfriend for 640 billion" he said. "I could kill you here. Wait, I have a good idea" he brought out the phone and phoned someone. Theo picked up, pushing his glasses onto his face.

"Yes?" he asked.

"No Hans?" the man asked.

"Hans stayed at Hermosillo in fear of his life" Theo said.

"Did you hear that?" the man said, throwing the phone at you. "Your boyfriend has abandoned you" you put the phone to your ear.

"Hello?" you asked, your voice wavering.


"Theo?" you asked, tears starting to fall. "Theo, where is Hans, where is he, I need him"

"He stayed in Hermosillo" Theo explained.

"Why?" you asked, crying further that you wouldn't see him.

"The Volksfrei movement is known for killing old members, so it is just me, Karl stayed behind also" Theo explained, the two men next to him staying quiet.

You started to cry even more down the phone. "I just want Hans" you moaned. "I miss him, I need him" you started to shake, holding the phone tightly to your ear.

Theo looked at Hans, his eyes were filling with silent tears but he couldn't say a word. He wished to take the phone and tell you he was coming but he couldn't. Hans quickly whipped them away, trying to keep on his strong and tough mask, but it was so difficult, hearing you sob and moan down the phone.

"That's quite enough" the man said, trying to take the phone, but you clutched hold of it, he growled as you held onto it for dear life, sobbing still. You managed to get it out of his hands and threw it at the wall, a part broke off.

"You bitch" the man shouted, firing a shot close to your head, it hit the wall and embedded itself into it. "The next time I shoot it will be your head" he said, spitting on the floor, taking the phone and pressing the disconnect button and leaving the room.

"I don't think she was hit" Theo murmured, putting the phone next to him on the bed.

Hans was livid, his face twitching with anger and his fingers tapping. "I am going there now and I will kill every last one of them." he said, standing but Karl pushed him back down. "We need to stick to the plan" Karl said.

Hans gave Karl a look of anger but Hans knew he could do nothing until the time appointed when the plan would go as a success and you would be with him again, his idealist and the person who kept him on the straight and narrow. The person who cared for him, loved him and listened to him drone on about the most boring of topics. He sighed, he would never find anyone who knew him quite like you did and supported him fully. "I am going to the bathroom" Hans declared, walking towards it and locking it behind him. He sat on the closed toilet and started to cry silently. He didn't want to seem weak in front of the others, and now he could let out his anger and pain of you being away from him. He wished for you back and wished this never happened, that you were not in danger or pain and that you and he were together. He sniffed and whipped his eyes, taking out his handkerchief and blowing his nose quietly with it.

He was going to find you and get revenge, and if that included risking his life, so be it.

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