Chapter 20

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I start the car all by myself. Like a big girl. But I kind of wish he would've helped.

"What is this?" he says, making a face at the radio.

"Jason Derulo," I sing as Jason sings it. Sonic laughs and promptly turns off the music.

"Not a fan?"

"Ugh, no."

I raise an eyebrow, but I'm sure it doesn't look as awesome as when he does it, and he stumbles over his words.

"I mean, you have a good voice. I-I just meant mainstream totally sucks. N-not to bash on your taste in music, but... what is so funny?"

My hand claps over my mouth, stifling all my giggles. "I'm sorry," I say, bringing my hand down. "It's like you're trying to dig yourself out of a hole, when I didn't feel offended in the first place."

He pokes my side, tickling me. "Get the car to the street, silly girl."

I love it when he calls me that. Mental note: be dorky. "Will you help me?"

"I thought you did pretty well without it last time."

I know I'm pushing my luck, but I don't care. So far I haven't done anything wrong. I'm going to take advantage of it. Grabbing his hand with my left, I force it on top of my right hand on the shifter.

"Please?" I say as I tuck his fingers in between mine. His face flushes and I see his Adam's apple move up and down as he gulps. I can't help the strings tugging my lips, and he smirks at my goofy grin.

"All right," he says in defeat. "But you will have to learn to do it all by yourself."

I roll my eyes, and he moves my hand into reverse.

Instead of being nervous, Sonic actually has a calming effect on me. I don't stall the car once. Score!

"Wow, have you been practicing?" he asks after I get going on a hill without plowing into the person behind me.

I roll my eyes and pretend like his compliment totally didn't just make my freaking day. "Hey, do you mind if we stop somewhere?"

"Whatever you want. You're driving."

Stopping the air that wants to fill my cheeks, I pull into the Walgreens parking lot and shut the car off.

His eyebrow shoots up, but he doesn't say anything. Just fumbles around with his seatbelt before bolting around the car to open my door for me.


Now let's not screw this up.

I so want to hold his hand, so I keep it nonchalantly at my side waiting for him to "accidentally" bump into me.

No such luck.

"What are we here for?" he asks, shrugging his hands into his pockets, his Secret Rings keychain lighting up as he hits it.

I tug him by the overshirt to the oral hygiene section. Running my finger through all the different selections, I finally land on a toothbrush and wave it by my face. "Is red still your favorite color?"

He chuckles. "You're buying me a toothbrush?"

"I thought you needed a new one. You know, 'cause I got yours all nasty."

That darn sexy smile creeps on his lips. The one I don't ever deserve and yet he still gives me. "I'm surprised you even remembered using it. I thought you were too wasted to remember anything from last night."

I shove the toothbrush against his chest and nearly pass out because I touched him.

"Well, going into the wrong house and walking in on you in the shower has been burned into my brain." Holy crap! Did I really just say that? I know I'm flaming red now. How do I take it back without making it worse?

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