Chapter 9

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"It's not like that," I say, cracking my eyes open and grinning like an idiot. I can't help but feel happy he wants to know, even though I feel more guilty about the whole make-out-with-random-guy thing.

"Not like what?"

"We're not dating or anything."

He scrunches up his nose and his green eyes narrow. Whoops, maybe not the best thing to say.

"You always kiss guys you aren't dating?"

Yeah, it was not the best thing to say. I can hear the double meaning behind the question and my insides turn to squash. "It was just... a mistake. That's all. I've had a bad week."

That's the understatement of the year.

"Want to talk about it?"

Yes. I want to be back in his living room with the Xbox controller, spilling my guts about how fake and stupid I am, how Scourge assaulted me, and how every night I hide myself and read comic books. But nothing escapes my lips. It's too much, and I'm not allowed to dump it on him. Since he's not my friend and all.

"I'm sorry I asked," he says, moving in his seat. "I just—"

"Worry?" A smile plasters on my lips, but I don't look at him.


"Why?" I keep my eyes locked on a speck on the window.

"Why what?"

"Why do you worry about me?"

I hate it when he pauses. Every breath I take during the silence I get more and more self-conscious and question why I say the stupid things I say.

"I dunno. I guess I-I just want you to just smile, Ames."

It doesn't answer my question, but I don't care. I can't help the smile that stays on my face as I finally glance at him.


He furrows his brow at my amused tone. "What?"

I poke his shoulder. "2006 Game"

He raises his eyes to the ceiling and smirks. "Yeah. I think you're right. I didn't mean to steal the line, though. I meant it."

I laugh and he smiles with me.

"I still can't believe you remember all of it."

"I don't have amnesia. And it hasn't been that long."

He nods. "Feels like it has though."

There he goes, sucking the fun out of the conversation again. I try to bring it back. "How was the documentary?"

"You really want to know? You did dive out my window to avoid it."

Darn. Why do I fall so easily into Freak Amy around him?

"No. Just trying small talk," I lie.

He takes a deep breath, and starts picking at a hole in his sweater. "I'd much rather hear about you."

"What do you mean?"

"You know that thing I walked in on? Did it contribute to your bad week?"

Yes, but I'm so not talking about it. "No."

Yikes! I didn't mean to sound so rude. Like, we were totally having a good time and I snap at him.

He leans back, his eyes a bit wide. "S-sorry. It's none of my business."

What the heck? It's totally his business! I mean, he stopped Scourge from... going further. I barked down his throat afterward. And he doesn't look down on me because of it. He worries about me.

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