Chapter 7

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I can't speak to him. Not here. Not with mobians around to see me. I'm pretty sure no one noticed me watching, or following him, but I can't risk it.

So I'll eavesdrop instead. He's sitting in the middle section of the bleachers with Sally, and my stomach drops into my feet making it hard to walk. Why are they together again? I sneak around back and hide underneath the bleachers and try to keep my footsteps silent, though it's really hard wearing pumps. And no way am I taking them off with all the trash on the ground. Yuck.

"Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?" Sally sighs and stares Sonic down. She's wearing a skirt so I can see straight up it, giving me full access to blue granny panties. I cringe and try to keep my eyes on Sonic. I guess it's better than a thong though. I'd rather not see a full moon.


"You're not talking because you're upset about her, right?"

Sonic shrugs.

"And you're taking it out on me?" She moves closer to him, and I feel like yanking her hair down.

"Sorry." He moves his backpack so it's rested between them. He's pretty smooth about it, but I can tell he doesn't want to be close to her.

"You know I hate it when you shut me out."

I hear a grinding noise and it takes a minute for me to realize it's my teeth. How long has she been his "go to" girl?

"Sorry," he says again. "I know." Sonic picks at a loose thread in his sweater, and it's quiet for what seems like an eternity. "I thought, after this weekend, things were getting better."

This weekend? Does he mean after I did a fugitive move out his bathroom window?

"Sonic..." She inches closer still, almost sitting on top of Sonic's backpack. I really want to scream at her to take the hint.


"What?" Sally's hands are on his forearm now.

"Don't say it."

"Say what?"

"You know what."

She lets out a huge breath from her nose. "I don't get why you let her do this to you."

"She just gets to me!" Sonic's arms fling up and Sally pulls away. "I don't know why either, but she does. And I don't know how much more of it I can take."

"Then don't take it anymore!" I see Sonic's stunned as Sally shouts back. I have to admit, I've never heard her voice this loud either.

"But..." He can't seem to finish his sentence.

"Come on. She's not worth this and you know it. You have to drop it." Her voice softens. "She's not your friend anymore. You have to let her go." She rubs his back to comfort him.

"Don't you think I've tried? It's harder than it looks." He shrugs her hand off, and I can't help but feel happy he keeps rejecting her touch. If he hadn't, I probably would've gone all Erazor Djinn on her even though I have no claim on the boy.

Sally's face darkens, flushing to the color of a tomato. "I guess if you're into shallow girls who sleep with every guy they see, I suppose she would be hard to get over. But I thought you were different than that. Better."

Holy Chaos. Maybe I'm not entirely popular with everyone. I've changed almost one-hundred percent and people are still talking about me behind my back.

My cheeks blow up, and I try not to let tears fall.

Breathe, Amy. Breathe! You have to breathe!

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