Chapter 5

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If I blow any more air into my cheeks, they may explode. I can't believe I'm seriously going through with this. If anyone sees me driving Sonic around, the rumors will ignite like wild fire about me hooking up with King of the Freaks. But I've got it all planned out.

Excuse number one, my parents are forcing me.

Excuse number two, I'm grounded from all my friends, so this was the only way I can learn.

Excuse number three, I'm sleep walking.

Now that I've got my social butt set, I just gotta ask him. And this is what's making my cheeks sore.

I've never asked Sonic for anything in my whole life. Even when we were besties. He always volunteered so I never had to. And after I totally ditched him and treated him like he has a good case of werehogpox, I'm scared out of my mind.

What if he says no?

I let all the air out, my bangs fluttering across my forehead. Amy, just get this over with!

Another pumpkin imitation later, and I'm knocking on his door. I want to sprint for the bushes, but my legs feel like gummy worms.

The lock clicks and there he stands in his warm sweater and holding an Wii controller, with a look that says I stunned the crap out of him.

"Uh, hey." Smooth, Amy, real smooth.

He doesn't say anything. His mouth is doing that opening and closing thing like a fish out of water. He looks over my head and out to the street.

What do I do? Just walk away? Wave my hand in front of his face? Crap myself?

"What... what are you doing here?" His ears flicker in attention and the controller slips from his hand.

I hear a car go by behind me and BAM! All my insecurities rush into my thoughts. Even though Sonic looks freaking amazing in his cute sweater, I can't be seen at his house.

Oh gosh.

"Can I come in?" The words slip out so fast, and I don't even wait for an answer. I rush past him and shut the door behind me.

He chuckles. "Yeah, I guess you can."

I laugh a huge dorky and nervous laugh as I look around his house. Not much has changed since last time I was here. Well, physically. It wasn't this awkward between me and him, but that's totally my fault.

"So, uh..." he stutters as he picks up the controller he dropped. "You need something?"

"Yes, I..." I tilt my head to look behind him. "You stuck?"


I point to the TV screen. "Defeating the Dark Queen. That's a tough level, and it looks like you're out of luck."

He smirks, and scratches the back of his neck with the controller before tossing it on the couch. "It's been a while since I played it, and I can't remember the steps to beating her. I was gonna go YouTube the gameplay for it—"

"Press A or Z to dodge the first three attacks." Holy Chaos. I can't believe I just said that out loud.

Sonic's jaw drops and his ears flicker again. "I-I think you're right."

He picks the controller back up and does as instructed. The battle begins and he manages to avoid getting hit.

"Nice!" He throws me that really sexy smile and I don't believe it, but I'm moving to sit next to him.

"Press B to use Soul Surge. When she turns black she's almost dead. Be careful; she may try to stab you. Defeat her in less than 2:30 minutes to get a lot of followers." I wink, and he nudges me with his elbow.

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