Chapter 15

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The music thumps through my chest as my whole body moves to the beat. I'm dancing with one of the random football players. I think his name is Dexter, but I don't remember. He's got his arms around my front as I slide my butt back and forth against him. I can tell he's totally into me, and my mind is too muddy from alcohol to care about the trouble I can get into.

His lips trace the back of my neck and a goofy grin forms on my face. Then suddenly he's raking his warm tongue across my ear.


I shove away from him and head over to the opposite side of the room where they've got all those little shot thingies I tried earlier. I don't know what's in them, but they are super yummy.

"Hey, Amy!"

I blink a few times, looking for whoever is shouting my name. Things are way fuzzy. Like, I'm really trying to remember how I got here.


"Body shots! Get your hot ass over here!"

That sounds like fun! But I don't know where I am. The room is kind of tilted or something.

I take a step and next thing I know I'm flat on my face.


Strong hands clasp my upper arms and pull me up. Bad move, buddy. Stomach turns and I think I'm gonna...

"You okay?"

Yeah, I know he asked me a question. My brain goes on rewind, but my reactions are so slow. I can't think straight with all the stomach sloshing and stuff.

"I gotta find my friends." At least I think this is what I say. It probably came out like, "I gosha feen ma frindsh."

I scan the room to find the girls. Someone who looks like Mina is making out with a guy on the plush couches near the DJ. And it looks like Shade's flirting with about three different people by the bathroom. Instead of going to either one of them, I go straight to the kitchen. I want another drink, damn it. I still haven't forgotten what happened with Sonic, or what happened with Scourge, and I want it banished from my memory.

Alcohol will do the trick if sex won't.

Some kid slaps the shot in front of me. I give him a knowing grin, which probably looks stupid since I'm hammered, and toss the plastic cup back.

"I think that should be your last one," someone says in my ear. I roll my eyes, which is a bad idea because the room shifts, and I end up toppling to the floor.

I hear someone laughing, but a different someone than whoever it is that keeps helping me off my ass.

"Come on, Rose. I'll take you home."

Shadow? I look up and sort of make out his face. Yeah, I think it's him. There is a guitar strapped to his back. I feel the earth shift again, and I stumble even though I was just standing there.

"Whoa. Let's get you out of here."

I nod, the slush in my head slopping around. That actually sounds like a good idea. I'm not feeling so hot.

He leads me to his car... I think. And I pass out on the seat.


"Hey." Someone slaps me across the face. "Hey, wake up."

My eyes flutter open. The world is blurry, but I know I didn't take my contacts out last night.

Wait a second. Where am I? Whose car is this?

"Is this your house?"

I rub my face before pressing it against the car window. Yeah, that looks like my house.

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