Introduction + Standards For Maine Coons

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My cat association would be "WFA" World Feline Association.

Standards for Maine Coons:

Muzzle: Powerful and square, well defined, almost diamond or box shaped.

Ears: Near, vertical, slender and pointed with long lynx-tips with scarce or sparse ear tufts but ear tufts must not be absent.

Head: Medium. Broadening is allowed for studs.

Body: Rectangular, chest must be broad and legs must be long. Fur must be thick, uneven and long all over.

Size: Very large. Exception should be made for females.

Tail: Long as body, must reach to shoulder blades. Fur must be flowing. It should be plumed and feathery.

Eyes: Can be any colour but must be deep and rich. Creams must only have odd, copper or blue eyes. No mix of colors such as yellow-green. Must be slanted or almond shaped, and should turn round when wide open.

Musculature: Well-muscled.

Legs: Long, well-muscled, square and strong.

Paws: Large with long tufts. Less than 5 toes on front and 4 toes on back will result in disqualification.

Fur: Thick, soft, double-coated and uneven. Shorter on shoulders. Must have a ruff. Exception will be made for unalters.

Disqualifications: Less than five toes on front and four toes on back, in poor condition, declawed (although exceptions can be made), physical issue such as no eyes and teeth.

Faults: , muzzle too soft and round, no lynx-tips, eyes too round or poor color, even coat, rough and coarse coat.

Unregisterable breeds:

Russian Blue
American Shorthair
Egyptian Mau
Arabian Mau
Havana Brown
Khao Manee
Turkish Van

Recognised but forbidden/unregisterable breeds:

American Burmese - Ethic issues
Exotic Longhair - Ethic Issues
Exotic Shorthair - Ethic issues
Exotic Fold/Foldex - Ethic Issues
Bombay - Uniqueness/Ethic Issues
Khao Manee: Uniqueness Issues

Dollfaced Persians are allowed and will be registered as Persians, not Traditional Longhairs.

Rare but registerable breeds and their EMS codes:
Ukrainian Lelvoy - UKY
Maguerite cat - MAG
Serengeti - SEN
Tigri - TIG
Bangkok - BAK
Mojave Bob - MOB
Lambkin - LAM
Nanus Rex - NAN
Longhaired Bengal - BEL
Bunchkin/Benchkin - BUN
Toyger - TOY
Safari - SAF
LaMerm - LMS & LML : Munchkin version of LaPerm


Mojave Bob: Bob-tailed cat with curled, crimpy coat and swept back (curled) ears. Polydactyl is not required but is allowed. The breeds used will be Highlander Lynx and Selkirk Rex.

Lambkin: Cornish Rex or Devon Rex Munchkin cross, producing a short-haired curly or wavy coated cat with short legs.

Nanus Rex: Longhaired version of the Lambkin. Produced by crossing Selkirk Rex and Munchkins. Another acceptable outcross is the Minuet cat.

Benchkin/Bunchkin: Bengal and Munchkin cross, producing a short-legged cat with a Bengal look. Forbidden pattern would be solid, tabby, or any basic feline colour/pattern.

Permittable crosses for different breeds:

Persian: Can be crossed with British Longhair and Selkirk Straight and vice versa.

Scottish Fold: Can be crossed with British Shorthair/Longhair and Scottish Straight

Minuet: Can be crossed with Persian, British Longhair, Selkirk Straight and longhair Munchkin.

Tonkinese: Can be crossed with Siamese and Burmese.

Sphynx: Can be crossed with Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siamese and Oriental Shorthair.

Peterbald: Can be crossed with Siamese, Balinese, Donskoy and Orientals.

Munchkins, Lykoi, Donskoy, Sphynx, American Curl, Highlander Lynx can be crossed with non recognised breeds.

Hairless and curly haired breeds must have present, healthy whiskers. Any cat failing to have whiskers or brittle whiskers will have no awards and must be altered.

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