"I wouldn't be too sure about that." I tell him, but I'm not too sure either. Is he right? I have only ever liked girls but now I'm not too sure.

Reggie rolls over and continues crying into his hands.  Did I say something wrong? Why is he crying?

"Reggie?" I whisper. "Are you okay?"

I don't think he can hear me. I look up and see that everyone's asleep.

"Reggie! Please tell me you can hear me!" I whisper louder.

Still no response. I have no clue what I should do, so I move myself closer to him and wrap my arms around him.

"It's gonna be okay Reg." I start to cry silently.

I can hear him breathing, but there's something wrong with it.

"Oh shit, oh nonono." I whisper frantically. I raise my voice. "Alex!"

Alex's pov:

"No funny business you two." Luke points at his eyes and then at mine.

I play it cool but inside I'm still freaking out that I'm going to sleep with Willie.  We get into our sleeping bags and call Goodnight to everyone. 

"Goodnight kiss?" Willie whispers.

I kiss him and smile at the taste of him. When I pull away he is blushing like crazy.

"Goodnight Willie."

"Goodnight Hotdog."

I fall asleep holding his hand with a huge smile on my face.

I wake up to Luke's panicked yell.

"Alex! Alex come here there's something wrong with Reggie!" His voice is shaking and when I look over at him he is crying. Reggie is hidden  behind him, but I can hear his uneven breathing.

I slip my hand out of Willie's and hurry over.

"What's wrong?" I ask Luke.

"H-he confessed that he l-liked me and he s- said that he doesn't want to stop being friends and t-then he started crying and s-shaking and I don't know whats w-wrong with him." Luke says in-between sobs.

"First off, you need to calm down Luke, it won't help Reggie if he calms down to see you like this."  I turn to Reggie. "Can you hear me Reg?" I whisper softly.

He nods.

"I need you to breathe with me, do you think that you can do that?"

He nods again and looks up.

"Breathe in, two, three, four, breathe out, two, tree four." I repeat this, and slowly his breathing returns to normal.

"T-thank you Alex." He whispers, wiping his nose in his sleeve.

~Anxiety Attack over~

I smile gently at him.  "Do you wanna talk about it?"

He looks over at Luke and shakes his head.

"Okay. I'll be here if you ever need me Reg."  I stand up and walk out into the hallway, signaling for Luke to follow me.

"What happened?" I ask him softly.

His face scrunched up and it looks like he's about to start crying. "I don't know Lex." tears start falling down his face. "Can I tell you something?"

I reply without hesitation. "Yes, anything Luke."

"I-" he trails off.

I give him an encouraging smile.

"I think I might be bi."

Woah, that's not what I expected. This is so exciting! Now sunset curve is all part of the LGBTQ+ community.  "Oh my gosh really? Do you like Reggie? I've seen the way you look at him-"

"I don't know!" He whines helplessly. "I thought I liked Julie, but today when he was dared to get Kayla's number I got mad for some reason and I thought that the puppy dog face he made was so cute and I found something in his search history that made me feel butterflies in my stomach and oh Alex I'm just so confused."

I hug him. "Luke, don't worry about it.  Do you know how long it took me to fully love and accept my own sexuality? It took years. You don't have to rush yourself into anything, take your time. I'm sure that Reggie will understand if you tell him that you think that you might like him but you don't know for sure yet."

"Really?" Luke sniffs.

"Really." I smile at him. "Do you want to tell him now?"

He nods.

I stick my head back into Julie's room and nod at Reggie. "Luke wants to talk to you."

Reggie gets up and goes out into the hallway.  I go over to Willie and sit on my side of the mattress.

"Come on, let's try to get some sleep. I think they should be left to talk in private."

[A/n: This is soo long oops]

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