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It's been two weeks since my sheer embarrassment toward Jordan and I've been avoiding him ever since. That next morning when I woke up, he was gone, and I was very thankful for that after I remembered what happened the night before. To say I didn't want it would be a lie but to say I'm glad it didn't happen is not a lie. So much stress I didn't need would have gone into that. As well as dealing with Ash, who would very much convince me it wasn't a good idea.

I'm not so sure my tactic of avoiding Jordan will go well this weekend because Ash invited me to go to her parents cabin for the weekend and Jordan will be there with his family as well.

At first I was excited to go and meet some of Ash's family, and also just getting a little vacation. But with Jordan being there, I have a feeling I'll be on edge for most of the weekend. We leave today and Derek and Jordan are on the way to pick Ash and I up.

I look over at Ash, who's double checking everything. "You got snow pants I told you to get?" Ash asks, not even looking at me as she skims over her suitcase.

I nod even though she can't see it. "Yes, I did. In purple, I might add."

That's when Ash looks at me and she giggles. A knock on the door sounds a second later and I go to get it. I freeze as I open the door to reveal Jordan, standing there in a black hoodie, jeans, and a Jean jacket.

He smirks. I know he notices that I've been avoiding him. I've gotten a few texts from him and he's tried to catch up to me after classes but I never give him the time of day. I'm glad he decided to brush me off that night, but it doesn't mean I'm still not embarrassed about the whole situation.

"Blondie," he greets, blue eyes filled with mischief. Only Jordan can pull off that look and still look annoying.

"Where's Derek?" Ash asks curiously, pulling her suitcase with her.

Jordan rolls his eyes. "Hot shot is waiting for us in the car. He said something about talking to his mom?"

By the look on Ash's face, that statement is not the most appealing, but she cools it a second later. Shaking her head she looks back at me. "Ready?" She asks.

I nod. "Yep." I say, trying to sound as enthusiastic as I can.

Ash has told me she grew up going to this cabin. Must be nice. My parents are divorced and are just a one house family. I know most families are, but Ash's family has some money to their name. Not much, but enough that Jordan can brag about the hockey rink in his backyard.

We reach Derek's Jeep and he looks up, he seems to be focused on the phone call but ends it when he sees us, pushing a reassuring smile toward us. Ash doesn't look so convinced when I peak over at her. She walks over to the front seat and that's when Jordan begins to protest.

"Uh, just because you're his girlfriend does not mean you get priority on the front seat." Jordan says.

I roll my eyes just as Ash glares. "Jordan we are not ten year olds. You can sit in the back." She says and opens the door getting in, after putting her suitcase in the trunk.

Now I'm realizing that maybe I should have defended Jordan on his sitting-in-the-front-seat thing. He hops in the back seat and I realize I have to sit next to him. Taking a deep breath, I get in beside him.

Thank goodness there aren't three people to sit in this row because if so, we would be even closer.

Looking up, Derek and Ash seem to be having a hushed conversation/argument in the front.

"That's what I told her." Derek says, by the look on his face he doesn't seem too happy to be discussing this.

Ash sighs. "And that's fine I understand."

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