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"Brody get your ass over here!" Coach yells.

I huff, skating my way over to Coach, face blank.

He's definitely not happy. Well damn, I'm not happy either. I haven't been playing the way I should. I know I'm all about arrogance but I'm a good player damnit.

Coach looks like he's about to explode when I skate up to him. His face is red with frustration and the old man seems like he could kill me with his glare.

"Brody answer me this," he says sternly. "Why are you on this team?"

I sigh. "I'm a good player." I say in a serious tone.

He nods once. "Now would you explain to me the shit I just saw, boy?"

I'm used to this. Playing sports all my life, I've had people talk crap to me. When I started here at Teakwood, I expected none the less. But Coach Koon is a beast. He might not look it, standing at only six feet, but he's the scariest mother fucker I've ever met. Tyler tried to warn me the day of my first practice but I guess I didn't pay attention.

Coach Koon has trained some of the best of the best. That's exactly why I'm here and that's exactly where I want to end up. Hockey is everything to me. Everything. I have never let things get in the way. Ever.

"I'll get my mind set, Coach." I say, flatly. "I promise."

He watches me for a second. His eyes are filled with silent rage but I think he believes me.

"I'll keep you to that." He says. He blows the whistle. "Hit the showers boys." He exclaims and my teammates exit the ice.

I skate along with them in the direction of the locker rooms but I keep my distance from them. To most people I'm this arrogant, playboy superstar. But most of my teammates know I don't give a crap about things that happen off the ice unless they involve my family. A girl dumped me? So what. My car broke down? Get it fixed. For me, it's that simple.

I waltz into the locker room and see Derek track me with his eyes as I walk to my locker. Derek is set to play for the Wilds next year. I never thought I would like Derek but living with the guy and him also dating my cousin has changed things. Plus as team captain this year, he knows the ins and outs of all of us.

Derek gets up from where he's sitting and walks over. He slaps a hand on my pad covered shoulder. "Don't let Koon get to you." He says. "You're a hell of a player. You'll get those offers, don't worry." He says.

A few teams have already contacted me about an early draft and I'm more indifferent than I thought I would be. I've still got a degree to finish.

"Thanks man." I say back. I then smirk. "My baby cousin coming over tonight?"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Possibly," he challenges. "She's still pissed at you by the way."

My turn to scoff. "What the hell?" I say, exasperated. "I splashed soap in her eye one time and she's pissed forever. Boo hoo. She's done that my whole life."

Derek snickers and shakes his head. "She's a keeper." He says.

I shake my head.

I sometimes envy what Derek and Ash have. Not just being able to have sex whenever he wants, but the friendship they have within that relationship. Don't get me wrong, I love women. All kinds. But having that one person seems kinda cool right? Ah, who am I kidding, I'm the man whore right?

My mind then retreats back to Daphne as I turn on the shower, her the one being able to remind me every chance she gets. Daphne is something else. She's intense but... perky at the same time. I wasn't lying when I said she's been boring since Brooks. The first time I saw her she caught my eye. Blonde hair, brown eyes, big smile. Only problem was that the one making her smile was another blonde pretty boy.


I take the key out of the ignition and look out my dash to see Derek and Tyler get out of Derek's car, joking around about something. I spot Daphne's car, that Ash always uses, in the driveway. Most likely here to be with Derek for the night.

My plans you may ask? Homework. Gross right. It's a Friday night, shouldn't I be out? Yes I should. Maybe I should go?

I exit the car and walk in the front door. I hear voices coming from the kitchen and hear familiar voices.

"Daphne," Ash retorts. "That didn't happen." She says rolling her eyes at Daphne.

Daphne's here.

I look toward the island where Ash and Derek stand, all wrapped up in each other, as Daphne stands next to them, eyes bright with commitment.

"Yes it did! I was sitting in the dorm and a mouse came crawling toward me!" She exclaims.

I chuckle. Daphne and her dangerous brown eyes follow the sound. She doesn't seem to be fazed by me listening at the moment because she continues on.

She crosses her arms over her chest. "Well Ash, you weren't there so how could you think I would lie to you?" She says in mock disgust.

Ash laughs and rolls her eyes. Derek kisses her cheek from his spot behind her and walks to the fridge, grabbing some Gatorade from it.

Ash looks back at Derek and they seem to have a silent communication. Derek cocks his head toward the hall and she nods.

Ash looks back at Daphne. "Well Daph, thank you for bringing me. See you tomorrow?" She says and Daphne nods.

The two walk to the hallway and up the stairs and my focus goes fully on Daphne.

"Blondie," I say, smirking.

Her eyes slit. "Jackass," she says back.

I scoff. Walking closer to her, I pull up next to her, leaning my elbows on the counter, and staring up at her. "Still hate me huh?" I ask.

She shrugs. "More like, I try to distance myself from you in order to make sure I don't do something stupid."

That surprises me. I straighten up so I'm face to face with her. I'm close enough to her that I feel her breath on my face. Her brown eyes still glare at me and I mimic her glance.

I could kiss her right now. Right here. She seems to sense my thoughts and takes a step back. "Not so fast." She says. She reaches for her bag on the counter and hooks it on her shoulder. She seductively walks toward me.

We lock eyes. "I'm not sure you can resist me for much longer." I say.

She shrugs. "I think I can." She says, flatly. "I've got a project to do. Remember?"

I click my tongue.

She doesn't say anything else and walks out the front door.

Jordan and Daphne are definitely different than Ash and Derek. Can you tell? 👀

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