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Walking up to the boys house, I'm freezing my ass off. The only thing about Minnesota is that it's so fricking cold all the time. Like seriously. I'm bundled up in layers but I'm still freezing.

I knock on the door and hear footsteps approaching. Opening the door I'm greeted by Derek who gives me an odd look. He looks freshly showered with wet hair and wearing sweats.

His eyes brows lift. "Daphne? What are you-"

I sigh. "Jordan." Is all I say.

His eyes get even wider but by the look on my face, I can tell he knows this isn't a hookup with the f-boy of the school. He gets serious then. "If he's trying something," he challenged.

I shake my head. "Nope, we have a project and he told me to meet him here. Much to my dismay," I groan. "But, I'm here because I need this grade."

Derek scoffs, then opens the door wider to let me in.

I say goodbye to Derek who goes up the stairs and goes down the short hallway to Jordan's room. Brooks' old room. I gulp as I approach the door, remembering all the times I spent in this room.

I lightly knock on the door but there's no reply. I knock again and still nothing. I decide to try and open the door slightly, peeking inside.

I'm surprised to see that no one is in the room. I squint my eyes. Annoyed that he was the one who planned this and he's not here.

I look around the room. It's different from how Brooks had it. The bed isn't in the center anymore but pushed against the wall. The dresser stayed the same but other than that, there's not much in here. It's a typical boy room with clothes strewn about and a TV that sits on top of the dresser.

A second later I hear the door open. I slowly turn around. "Finally, I was about to-" I'm cut off as I'm face with a towel clad Jordan. His abs glisten with water and his hair is nicely pushed back, wet from the shower. My jaw drops in shock and I cover my eyes with my hand. "Jordan!" I exclaim.

I heard a deep chuckle from him. "I didn't think you were coming till 7:30." He says.

My hand stays over my eyes. "No," I say sternly. "You were the one who said 7, so don't give me that crap."

I hear the wood floor creak as he moves about the room.

I puff out air from my nose. "Can you put some clothes on please?" I ask, annoyed.

"What if I don't want to?" He questions, teasingly.

"Then I'll leave." I say and start walking to the door, hand still over my eyes.

I feel a hand grab my arm. "Fine," he says, still amused by the situation. "I'll put clothes on."

I stand there for a few minutes in silence until he speaks again. "Okay, I'm decent. You can look now, Blondie."

I uncover my eyes to see a clothed Jordan which satisfies me. "Blondie is so stereotypical, you know that right?" I say.

He rolls his eyes. "You're blonde. It's easier."

I snorted. "Funny."

He clasps his hands together. "'Kay so where do we start?" He asks.

I'm surprised he even wants to actually do this. I assumed I would be forced to do this on my own. He takes a seat on his bed and opens his computer. If I was any other girl, well maybe besides Ash, I'd be the envy of every girl I've spoken to in the last few months. In a room, alone with Jordan Brody? Not something I expected.

I take a seat next to him, but not too close. I open up my computer too, searching our topic and turn to him. "So we have Calvin Coolidge. He was a Republican President who was a lawyer and was from New England."

Jordan nods and types that down.

"His Vice President was Charles G. Dawes," I search a little more. "Oh, he was born on July 4th, how ironic."

I look back at Jordan who is watching me. A light smile coats his lips.

"What?" I ask, giving him a weird look.

He shakes his head. "Why do you hate me so much?"

The question shocks me coming from him. I didn't think he cared what people thought of him.

"I don't know," I say. "You're just not my type of person."

He scoffs. "Not your type of person? Blondie, I'm everyone's type of person."

I roll my eyes. "That is exactly why you aren't. You say stuff like that."

He shrugs. "Guess I have to change your mind huh?" He says and smirks.

I raise an eyebrow. "Highly doubt it." I say. "Can we focus on this please?" I say pointing to the computer.

He nods and looks back on his computer. I watch as his blue eyes concentrate back on typing. He's definitely not bad to look at. I shake my head, banishing those thoughts from my mind.

"Ooo lots of controversy," I say mock wincing. "Seems like he didn't do much among presidents."

Jordan's eyes draw together. "Then why did they re-elect him?"

I shrug.

After a while, my eyes start to get tired and I close my computer. Laying back on Jordan's bed and rubbing my eyes, I relax. One this I do remember is how comfortable this bed is. Now with Jordan's smell, it's got an odd comfort to it now.

I feel a shift as Jordan copies me and lays by my side. I turn my head to look at him and he gazes at me. We are now even closer than before and the heat between us surprises me. I suck in a breath as I feel his body heat next to me and his warm breath fans my face.

Getting caught in the moment, I almost lean into him, but remembering myself I hop up.

"Alright, gotta go." I say and grab my stuff.

Jordan gets up. "Daphne, wait." He says.

I hurriedly grab my bag and open his room door. "Sorry time for me to leave." I say and shut the door behind me.

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