Chapter 2: Rescue and Reunion

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The two strange men wordlessly stepped in front of the group of criminals as the misty portal disappeared behind them.

"Get them!" One of the younger criminals shouted. A bunch of them charged at the new arrivals, but never got close. A dark cloud burst out of the man covered in it, almost as if his very body consisted of mist. In seconds half of the room was completely filled with darkness that covered the attacking men. A few yelps of surprise and fear were the last signs of the men that had attacked the new duo. As the mist retracted there was nothing left of them, not even bloodstains.

Considering how the duo arrived it had to be some kind of transportation quirk.

The two remaining villains backed closer to Izuku as the misty man approached.

"Kurogiri," the masked man said. "They are mine."

"Yes master."

The misty man stepped aside but even then his yellow glowing eyes seemed to focus on Izuku from behind the mist. The man he called master walked closer. The old man standing above Izuku started shaking.

"Could it be," he said. "All For One?"

"So you know me," the masked man said and chuckled. The sound made Izuku shiver. It wasn't a happy chuckle. The sound promised pain.

"Yes... master," the old man said. "I used to lead one of your enforcer teams in Tokyo until All Might destroyed our operation. Then you disappeared. I... I thought you were dead."

"Many do," the masked man, All For One, answered.

The old man lowered himself to his knee.

"I may not have known of your survival, but I have never forgotten your great gift you gave me. I am at your command if you accept my service again."

"I might have considered that. Your age provides you experience many of my allies lack. However," the masked man looked downwards, at Izuku, "you know too much, and your men attacked my son."

Izuku stared at the man too dizzy and confused to think straight. It took a while before he even understood what word the man had said. The smell of his own vomit was mixed with a new stench as the old man soiled his pants.

"Hey you really know this guy?" The younger man said. He sounded like the one that had talked about shaking Izuku.

The man called All For One raised his hand, his palm toward the old man and a second later a spray of blood rained over Izuku. He felt like vomiting again as the iron scent entered his nose, but he was pulled up as two arms snaked under his armpits and pressed their palms against his chest.

"Don't get any closer or the kid gets it. My vibration quirk can turn his insides into mush before you can stop me." Izuku, realizing the danger, started struggling against the man's hold.

"Let me go," he cried out and raised his tied-up arms, trying to hit his attacker's head behind him. He didn't manage it as the man blocked his hands with one of his own. Even in the haze from all his injuries Izuku was still thinking analytically enough to see the man's mistake. He managed to grab the arm blocking his strike.

The man remembered who he was dealing with. When he realized his mistake, it was already too late. Izuku felt a small shock against his chest, but as the man's quirk left him there was no longer enough power to cause any serious damage.

"No, NO!" The man shouted. Something yanked him back. His arms let go of Izuku but not before they pulled Izuku to fall on his back. He hit his head and before blacking out again barely saw tendrils of black mist flowing around the freshly quirkless man, like dark fingers of death pulling him into a cloud of black as the man's face twisted in horror.

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