Chapter 1: The Life Of Izuku Midoriya

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Hello and welcome to my newest story. I was supposed to focus only on original writing and not start new fanfics but MHA caught me in its grip. Hopefully this excitement comes through in the story so you can enjoy reading it as much as I have writing it.

Disclaimer: This is fanfiction I don't own anything of My Hero Academia

Proofread by 3DPhantom


People are not born equal. In this society you are either born with power, or you don't have any. Those with the right quirks are praised, people believe in them. Those with none are considered worthless, near sub-humans; it's a fate feared by every 4-year-old until their quirk appears.

Kids are fools.

In this society there is something that can be even worse than being born quirkless, both fates cannot be changed. At least that is what most think.

The classroom was filled with happy chatting, as happy as you could be in the beginning of a new school day. That changed as soon as the first person turned to look at who had just arrived.

"Watch out," the student said. All chatter ended right away. Everyone's eyes followed young Izuku Midoriya as he walked across the classroom. None of the looks were friendly, but one specific pair of eyes had fire in them, explosions really. Izuku turned toward the front of the class before approaching Katsuki Bakugo, whose blonde hair looked like it had been blown up by his personality. Izuku quickly got to his desk at the front corner of the class, right next to the windows, and took his seat. The desks around his had all been pulled away from him to create open space around him on all sides, just enough to be out of arm's reach. Even the teachers rarely got any closer than that even if Izuku needed their help.

At least people weren't constantly mocking and actively beating him like before. Ever since his hair had lost its green it had become like a lighthouse warning other students to stay away. He was alone, but at least he didn't need to look over his shoulder every few seconds. Sometimes he didn't know which was better.

Another lesson passed uneventfully as Izuku focused on studying. Most of his classmates had already left as he got his stuff back into his backpack and he let the rest file out rather than pushing through the crowd.

He was... mostly successful. Thinking the path was clear he walked out of the classroom briskly to make it to his next class. Of course, he bumped against the last person he wanted to. Bakugo only needed a glimpse of Izuku to jump away and bring his hand up, small explosions sparking on his palm.

"What are you trying to do thief!?" Bakugo screamed at Izuku.

"I didn't try anything. I'm just going to the next class," Izuku answered with a tired voice and a blank expression.

"Yeah sure. Need to study hard to get to the best villain school? Oh wait, those don't exist. You'd be better off just dropping out. It's not like you'd end up on the streets with that rich dad of yours." Bakugo pointed at Izuku's expensive wristwatch. Izuku brought his other hand protectively over the watch. "At least the rest of us wouldn't need to deal with your shit."

Bakugo turned and left. Some nearby students stared at Izuku. Someone snickered. No one came within an arm's reach of Izuku, who was staring at the floor and glanced at his hands and his watch. With a sigh he continued walking to the next class, trying to leave everyone else as much space as he could. Of course, that took time and he'd probably be the last one to class again.

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