Hi, I don't know who needs this, but here it is

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I'm wondering if this sounds familiar.

You feel like shit. You feel like no one cares. You look in the mirror and you hate what you see. People complement you and you feel uncomfortable and angry... because it doesn't feel real. Then when you choose to express that they say you're just imagining it or you're doing it for attention. You start to feel bad because of these emotions. You put on a smile and cover the pain, trying to feel better, but it doesn't help, does it? It distracts you from the pain but as soon as you have time to sit down and focus, it all comes rushing back.

I love you. You are fucking beautiful. You may not see it, and that's not because something is wrong with you. There are so many people who care and love you, me being one of them. The world can suck and break down amazing people.

You're not alone though. It can feel that way in this world because of constant emotions and just horrible people, but you're not, I promise you.

I want you to do something for me. It's a big ask, I know, but I want you to look yourself in the mirror and say, out loud, "I'm beautiful. The world doesn't define me. I have scars, and I'm broken but I'm not going to stay that way. I am strong."

I know it sounds stupid or impossible or like you're lying to yourself and if that's the case, than imagine it being someone you love... or someone you lost.

Please just try it.

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