Contacting Harry?! ~ Gil

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I was sad and upset that Harry died. But Jay said there's a way to contact him? Isn't he dead? Unless there are ghost phones. OH NO! ME AND HARRY USED TO-

I broke into tears. I missed him too much. I want him back! 

Jay: Ok, guys, the girl's name is Odel. Daughter of Mama Odie. (this will be portrayed by Emma Watson, you may have seen in Harry Potter)

Me: Mama Odie? The witch who helped Tiana?

Uma: Yes.

Odil: Hi! Did I hear Jay, Uma, Gil, Mal, Evie, and Carlos want to visit me?

Carlos: How the fuck do you know our names?

Odil: Carlos, do not talk dirty with me. Or else, contacting the dead will not work. Whom would you like to contact?

Me: We would like to contact Harry James Hook.

Odil: Right here? 

She held up a paper with his picture.

Uma: Yes.

Evie: Can you please contact him?

Odil: Ok, I can do that. 

Odil started to have magic around her, but not poofy green smoke like Mal does.

Odil: ōḍil di vispaṟaṟumāyi bandhappeṭān ñān hāri jeyins hukkine viḷikkunnu!

Then, out came alight. It started to swirl everywhere.

Harry the Light: Well, well, what do we have here! Wow, the real world must be tough for you guys! Once you die, you never wanna go back! 

Then, the light turned into a small human with a hook. (Imagine the soul people). 

Uma: Harry?!

Harry: Oh, hi Uma! I miss you very much. Anyways, how are ye all doing?

Mal: Oh my god, you look so cute!

Evie: I wanna take a pic!

Odil: Do not take a picture or else he will disappear! He will be back in the world of the dead in five minutes. I will leave. Don't flash things on him!

Harry: Yeah, guys. I feel so free over here. Except I can't swear. I've been trying to but it doesn't let me. B-B-F-A. Wait, I can? Oh my fucking god, wait IT WORKS! HAHA! TAKE THAT, BITCHES!

Jay: Harry! We missed you so much!

Uma: I wish I could hug you!

Harry: Well, sadly, that can't happen. It's okay, though. Hey! I can kiss anyone I want without anyone being mad! Uma can't take a hit on me!

Harry tried kissing everyone.

Harry: Ah! There! Anyways, Uma, I love ye a lot and I wish I was still with you. But that gunshot saved my taxes.

Everyone laughed.

Evie: You are still funny, Harry!

Harry: Well, Evie, I certainly don't think I can 'NOT' be funny. Hey guys, I can put my soul into your body!

Jay: Please don't, Harry.

Harry: Imagine being in a girl's body...oh wait! I can try it and you guys can't slap me! 

Evie: Ok, ok, Harry.

Mal looked down. I wonder what is wrong with her. Harry's soul flew to Mal's ear. 

Harry: Wanna talk? Alone?

Mal: Yeah, actually.

We all walked out of the room and I started to eavesdrop. 

Harry: What's wrong?

Mal: I just want you back. I miss you so much, Harry.

Harry: I'm sorry, Mal. I can't go poof and come back! 

Mal: That's the sad thing. I wish you could.

Harry: Listen, I'm watching you and the others still, and I know Maleficent's plan. But my time is running out so I have to suck my soul into you, say it, then come back out.

Mal: Its ok.

Harry (aka Mal): Maleficent is gonna bomb Auradon

Mal (normal): What?

Harry: Alright, call the bitches in.

Mal: Guys! You can come in.

Harry: Bye guys!

Everyone: Bye!

Then, Harry was waiting for Odil

Harry: Ok, send me back so I can jump off a cliff.

Odil: You are a funny one, Harry. ñān ippēāḷ hāri jeyins hukkine mariccavaruṭe lēākattēkk tiriccayakkaṇaṁ. ōḍil viṭapaṟayunnu!

And Harry vanished.

Me: Hey, he's having fun! 

Mal: Hah! He was laughing!

Everyone: Aww!

Uma: I love him, this is why we dated in the first place.

Jay: Let's just walk off, happy for him.

Odil: You may go now. Goodbye.

Mark of the Dead  - 𝒟𝑒𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝟦Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt