The Fortune Cookies ~ Mal

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Warning may have violence, language, and sexuality. 


Six months after Descendants 3...

Oh! Hi guys! I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Twenty years ago, King Beast made a home for the villains called The Isle of the Lost, a land full of junk. But one day, my husband, Ben, invited me, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to Auradon, a place full of magic and evil. 

Now that the barrier is broken, people feel freer in life. 

A lot has changed since you guys were gone. Me and Ben married each other and now, I'm the Queen of Auradon. Then, Uma and Harry started to date and so did Lonnie and Jay. Evie got a kitten, and well, yeah, that's it.

Today, me, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Uma, Harry, Ben, and Gil are going to a Chinese restaurant for dinner.

Ben and I sat in the car and drove to the Chinese restaurant called 'PF Wangs'. 

Evie: Hi guys!

Everyone: Hey!

Carlos: It's been so long, I don't even remember the teal-haired girl!

Uma: I'm Uma, your Carlos, give me money for helping your memory, bro.

Everyone laughed.

Gil: Ok, money is on whom?

Harry: It's on you. It's always on you Gil.

Gil: Oh yeah! Thanks, buddy!

We all laughed again.

Me: Well, we should celebrate this embracing moment.

Jay: And eat, duh, Mal. Not everything you say has to be a lecture!

Everyone laughed.

Me: Ok, ok, let's just walk in.

We all walked into the restaurant.


Me: Guys, you know what they say? This place can really predict your future. Not a joke.

Uma; Really? Or is this some shit you got from the internet?

Me: Uma, I know this place and Celia said it herself so don't make me sound like a bitch.

Jay and Gil: Girls, language. 

We both covered our mouths. Anyways, we are about to see our fortunes.

Gil: Love is on your schedule.

Jay: What the hell? A true warrior is only brought by heart.

Carlos: Life is precious, don't waste it. Did Ben bring us shit?

Uma: Calm dow-HOLY HELL! One loved one must be removed?! What the heck?

Evie: Can we calm down? Mine says Life isn't all about beauty, focus on your inside.

Me: Ok, ok, maybe I was wrong. 

Uma: This is why you should listen to me.

Me: Shut up, Uma. Mine says Your love isn't you think he is...Ben?!

Ben: What the heck? Ok, something is messed up and mine says 'Trust is most valuable in its right hands'

Harry: People get lost, but not found. Ben?! Why the fuck did you bring us here?

Ben: I'm sorry! I didn't know it would be this bad!

Me: Well, it is. 

Evie: Guys, there's an extra cookie. They don't give extras. 

Jay: I think they gave it to us all

Carlos: Crap. 

We all were frightened at this point. We all got scary messages and now, I feel scared at this point. My hands started to go to Ben's shoulders. Gil picked up the cookie and opened it.

Gil: Something old, though renewed, will come your way. 

Me: Ok, is nobody going to realize that every six months, "evil" comes here? This is crap and all, and I don't like it!

Ben: Guys, we gotta accept the truth and where it is. If this is the truth, we can't deny it no matter what.

Evie: I agree with Ben

Everyone nodded.

Harry: Ok, wait, but nobody is going to explain how all of this rephrase? People get lost, but not found? Fuck Ben for bringing me here. I'd rather kill myself than stare at this bloody note.

Uma: Harry, calm down. There's a meaning and we just have to figure it out.

Carlos: Until then?

Me: Just wait. Guys, can we just get outta here?

Everyone: Yes!

Gil: Wait! I have to pay, but where the hell is my wallet?

Harry: Here. Now pay your shit

Gil: This "shit" is money.

Harry: Just go.

Uma: Harry, chill.

Evie: Guys, are you coming?

Carlos: Dude, I need to go home, man. 

Jay: I've got bills.

Evie: I pay your bills.

Me: Guys! Can we calm down and go already? 

Ben: What Mal said. We should get out of here.

Me: See? This place gives me shivers.

Uma: Yeah, it feels like I'm-

Evie: Can't we just walk out and shut up?!

Gil: What Evie said. 

Everyone left the mysterious restaurant and drove back home. 

I sat on my comfy, cozy bed in the kingdom. 

Is Ben hiding something from me? Is he cheating on me? Is our love fake? Is he fake? Is he my true love? Or was it all a lie...

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