Chapter 11

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It is now 9 a.m. and I'm headed towards the hospital wing of the pack house. Raven has been there the whole night because of her injuries and I had feared the worse when I heard that wolfsbane was found in her knife wound - which is what made her pass out. Luckily, they gave her a special shot that numbs the effects of wolfsbane so that the werewolf can properly heal them self and can flush it out of their systems.

"Aw, were you worried about her?" Clyde points out in an annoying tone.

"Yes, of course I'm worried. I didn't want to go through the trouble of finding another Luna. Two is quite enough," I say, letting out my frustrations.

"You really are heartless."

I growl as I shut him out and continue towards my intended location. I was halted in my tracks by my father. His steel-like eyes gaze at me with pity as he finally speaks,"I heard about Raven. It must be awful to know she's cooped up in a hospital bed and you couldn't see her until this morning."

Not really. I actually enjoyed not having to deal with her. It was very quiet without her though. . .

"Yes, it was agony but I can now see her," I decide to tell my father instead of what I really mean.

He nods before looking towards my hands and frowning,"Where are the flowers for her?"

I raise an eyebrow in utter confusion as I answer with,"Why would I bring her flowers?"

My father looks at me as if I'm the stupidest village idiot he has ever met. You could swear that he thought I had said that Manhattan is in Australia.

"And here I was thinking I raised a smart person," he sighs in frustration,"Son, let me tell you something that I've learnt about your mother that all women want. Your mother, like every other woman on this planet, needs to know that the person she loves is still the person she fell in love with."

I stare at him in confusion,"I didn't understand a word of that."

He groans before dragging me to the garden and ordering me to pick the most beautiful and perfect flowers I can find while he tells me a story to explain his point,"Here's an example of what I mean. Before you were born, me and your mother went on a date for our first wedding anniversary. She unknowingly ordered a dessert that had nuts in it. As you know, your mother is extremely allergic to nuts. She swelled up like a toad and I had to rush her to hospital. Back then, your mother had always been very sensitive about her looks, even though she is perfect, and the swelling of her face made it worse. So, to make her feel comfortable, I did the one thing I always did to make her feel better. I pulled out a photo of her and always said 'This is the most beautiful woman in the world.' She would blush, say that I was lying and then I would kiss her until she turned red."

"Gross, dad. I didn't need to know that."

"Hush, I'm still talking. Anyway, your mother still enjoys that. All women want to feel loved and giving them little gifts or being romantic makes the smiles on their faces worth more than the world. Your mother's smile is the reason I wake up every morning. Your mate's smile must be able to make you want to do anything to keep it on her face. Got it?"

I finish picking some pretty white flowers, where there is one large petal that goes around one long pollen stem. They're the most beautiful to me and I guess they can get dad to stop pestering me. I finally turn towards him and nod in understanding even though I really don't care about what he just said.

Why should I care about that disgusting rogue's smile? She just irritates me when she smiles because that usually doesn't mean joy

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Why should I care about that disgusting rogue's smile? She just irritates me when she smiles because that usually doesn't mean joy. It means she's planning to do something I won't like.

My dad smiles as I nod and starts to lead me back towards the hospital wing. Once we are in front of the door, he gives me a pat on the back for good luck and then walks away, leaving me alone. I huff in annoyance as I stare at the delicate flowers in my hands. My father doesn't know what he is talking about. Raven isn't like normal girls. She's an annoying, stubborn, sarcastic and infuriating woman. She wouldn't care if I brought her flowers. I step inside the room to see her head snap up and her attention fell on me.

"I'm surprised to see you here. You were the last person I expected to see today," she states.

"Well, I have to keep up appearances," I reply gruffly.

She nods as she expected that answer from me but when she saw the flowers I was holding, her expression is that of pure shock.

"You got me flowers?" she asks, completely surprised to see them.

"Yes but it wasn't my idea. My father said that I should do it. Something about it being the fact that I'm your mate or whatever."

I outstretch my arm towards her and she gingerly takes the flowers. Her fingers gently stroke the petals in astonishment, almost as if she can't believe that they are real. She then inhales their sweet scent. However, what she does next, is what makes me the surprised one.

She smiles! It is a small and sweet smile, the kind that shows such love and adoration. Her brown eyes twinkle with something I can't quite explain. Her face seems to glow and for a moment I'm spellbound.

She's smiling. She has such a beautiful smile. I wouldn't mind if she decided to smile like that all day. . .every day.

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