Chapter 20

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I wake up with a splitting headache and a weird sensation between my legs. I blink a couple of times to get used to the light that is seeping into Cal's room.

Wait a minute, Cal's room?

I look around at the familiar decor from the plain black, grey and white colour scheme to the balcony that overlooks the woods. Who knew drinking would lead me back in here?

Okay, I'm having a serious déjà vu moment right now.

I don't really get much of a chance to understand why I feel this way until I start noticing many differences compared to the first time I was here. Clothes are thrown around the whole room and it takes me a moment to notice half of them are mine. In panic, I look down to see my body is completely naked and that's when I feel the weird sensation between my legs more prominently.

Suddenly, the door swings open and Calum walks in with a glass of water in one hand and two headache pills in the other. His eyes are filled with anticipation as he hands them to me. He only gives off nervous vibes and as I watch him move from one foot to the other, I finally piece together what happened last night.

Oh shit, we fucked!

"Are you okay?" Cal asks when he notices my eyes widening.

I look at him in shock before I quickly guzzle the pills down my throat along with the whole glass of water. The worst part of all is that I remember him placing me on the bed. I remember how I had sobered up in that moment but I still took off my shirt and kissed him. Having his lips on my own while he held me with such care had me begging for more. In the end, I can't blame him for last night as I had not done anything to stop him.

But, as I look up at him now, I am instantly filled with dread. I jump off in panic as I race to gather my clothes. Cal looks away from my naked figure and I don't know whether I should be grateful or mad. Was he simply averting his gaze out of respect or was he that repulsed by my body? Okay, now was not the time for this.

As I pull on my long baggy shirt, I hear him clear his voice and I look over as he speaks,"I need to ask you something important."

I give him a confused look as he stares deep into my brown eyes and he looks so nervous. He takes a deep breath, opens his mouth but then suddenly closes it. I don't like this? This isn't like him at all.

"Cal?" I ask, slightly worried about him.

His lips forms a tight line and I can see the stress in his stiff posture as he finally manages to speak,"Do you remember everything that happened last night?"

"All I remember is drinking a lot of alcohol and then we fucked."

He seems troubled by these words as he says,"That's not all that happened."

I raise an eyebrow at him as I ask,"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain everything to you later. For now, you should take a shower and get ready."

"Get ready for what?"

He takes a deep breath before releasing it,"Raven, will you go out on a date with me?"


* * *

I'm currently waiting outside a park entrance of a nearby town, waiting for Cal to show up for our "date". Truth be told, I didn't actually agree to go out with him. This morning, I was going to say to him - "Okay, that's not happening."

But, I only got to say "okay" before he cut me off. So, here I am, on our "date".

"On the plus side, you look super hot!" Gale comments, trying to be positive. At least it works.

I look down at my outfit, which consists of a loose, cherry red tank top, black skinny jeans and knee-high black boots with thick heels. My black hair was also slicked back into a tight ponytail.

Just as I was about to give up on our "date", Cal shows up in a similar outfit from our first date - if you could call it that. He looks really good and his amazing scent seems to be more noticeable today. Probably because we got close last night.

"Hey. Sorry I'm a little late, I had to break up a fight at the pack house," he apologises as he awkwardly scratches the back of his head while giving me a beautiful smile at the end.

"Oh, moon goddess, he is so perfect." Gale lovingly sighs out.

I just stare at him in confusion as something about this seems familiar.


"Hey there, Grizzly Bear," I slur while giggling at the silly nickname.

I see Cal roll his eyes at me but the slight hint of a smile plays on the corners of his lips.


"Well, let's go," he says while softly taking a hold of my hand and leading me inside the park.

I stare at him in confusion, trying to make sense of the memory that just passed through my mind. I know it happened last night because I was drinking last night and it would explain the slurring and random giggling and did I call him a grizzly bear?

"Yes, yes you did."

I'm still trying to figure out everything when Cal suddenly stops and turns to look at me. I look into his beautiful grey eyes and see so many emotions in them that I'm almost overwhelmed. He is being so sincere but why? What happened last night that made him change so much?

"Just a bit further ahead," he explains as he continues to lead me

I just nod, even though he can't see it, as I stare at the back of his head. I know something else happened last nigh. But what?


I take a large swig from the bottle of alcohol in my hand before allowing my head to drop. My black hair falls all around my face like a dark veil.

I guess I'm a dark bride then, ha ha.

I look through my hair over at Cal and he looks at me with something I've never seen in his eyes before. He looks at me as if I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.


Just then, his eyes resembled how they looked in my memory. Staring at me like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I then start to notice how full of purpose his movements are. He is anxious to get to the spot.

We soon come to a stop and that is when the worry settles in me. Is this where the his alarm goes off? Is this where the temporary date ends?

"I hope you like it." he says before stepping aside, allowing me to see in front of us.

I gasp, clasping my hands over my mouth in shock. In between a small group of trees is a picnic blanket and a basket with some snacks spread out. I smile slightly at the sight as I turn to face Cal, who looks a little worried.

"Well?" he asks, waiting patiently for my answer.

"I love it," I say, no other words able to come out of my mouth.

I look over at him as his face lights up with relief but I'm still uncertain about all of this. He looks so sincere, so pure. But. . .

What is he going to tell me about last night?

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