Chapter 10

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I sigh in annoyance as I am finding it extremely difficult to fall asleep. It is currently around one in the morning and Cal is snoring the fucking night away while I'm wide awake. This fact pisses me off even more. The worst part about all of this is that we're still sharing a fucking bed!

"I like it. Especially the 'sharing a bed' part," Gale chirps in a cheery tone.

"Fuck. Off. I'm not in the mood to hear your stupid comments."

I heave out another sigh before getting up and head downstairs towards the kitchen. The stairs creak under my feet as I slowly go down them, trying my best to stay as quiet as possible. I mean, just because I can't sleep doesn't mean I have to drag others into my misery. I slide over the tiled floors of the kitchen, stopping in front of the stainless steel fridge. Opening it, I grin at the sight of a bottle of cold water in front of me. I snatch it up and take a big and long gulp; the water gliding down my throat with ease and making me feel hydrated and refreshed.

Once I'm done, I put the bottle back and close the fridge before just standing in the kitchen in silence. It's difficult to do anything at night when others are sleeping so what else can I do?

"How about we-"

"Don't. Just don't."

But as soon as the silence settles over me again, horrid memories come flooding back.


It's so dark and I'm so scared. Someone, help me.

I hear the thundering footsteps of my "father" coming towards the basement door - where he has had locked me up for two days without food or water. The basement door slams open and the light hurts my eyes.

"Get out!" my "father" bellows and I scramble up the stairs to get out.

As soon as I come out, he grabs a large clump of my black hair and jerks it hard so that I am facing him,"Never try to escape me again. Do you understand, bitch?"

"Yes, sir, I understand."

He spits his vile alcohol-smelling saliva in my face before throwing me to the floor and walking off. I lay there on the cold hardwood floors for a few seconds until I feel soft, gentle hands stroke my bruised cheek. A ten year old Frankie looks at me with such sadness in his green eyes and I feel so worthless. I'm fifteen years old and all that I'm good for is being a living punching bag.

Maybe I should just kill myself. That would make everyone happier.

I'm snapped out of my dark thoughts when I see the river of tears rolling down Frankie's cheeks. He looks so vulnerable but he'll be fine. "Father" never hurts him so he'll be able to live without me.

"I'm sorry, Raven. I'm so sorry," he cries, breaking my heart. I open my mouth to say something but I'm cut off by his next words,"I tried to help you. I really did. I tried to bring you food yesterday. It was your favourite, ham and cheese sandwiches but he threw it away. And when I tried to open the door he- he-"

He couldn't form a proper sentence anymore and I sit up to comfort him when something catches my eye. He has a long and deep scar on his cheek that I didn't notice at first since it was on the far off side of his face. It looks like it is in a painful state of healing itself. I instantly see red.

"Did he give you that scar? Did he hurt you?" I ask through gritted teeth, barely holding in my rage.

My blood boils as Frankie nods and I stand up and storm towards the living room wher my "father" is. Let the blood bath begin.

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