We've only been rogues for a few weeks and now we're being attacked. I don't want us to die, not when we only just started truly living our lives. Tears fall down my cheeks more rapidly as I realise that we might die here.

"Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

I almost lose hope when three new rogues suddenly show up and begin I to cry even more.

But, to my delight, they begin to attack the others and manage to chase them away. My body immediately gives out and I roll over onto my bloody back, the sky appearing before me. The view of the sky is soon blocked by a guy with crazy red hair and a panicking Frankie.

"Sissy, stay with me!" he pleads and I feel his little hands clench around my arms in desperation.

"Yeah, stay with us girly. You're going to be okay," the redhead says in a soft tone.

I smile as I nod while two more guys with brown hair show up. They begin to carry me and I relax knowing that me and Frankie will be safe.


"No more!" I scream as my legs give out and I collapse onto the ground, dirt surrounding me as I weep.

I don't attempt to get up, no. I just lay there with my cheek touching the earth and tears streaming down my face. If only I could forget. . .


"Father" slams the door behind him as he walks out, leaving me and mommy on the floor like garbage. I'm only four years old and even I know this isn't how a normal family should be living. Mommy manages to push her small body off the floor and crawls over to me as tears sting her eyes.

"I'm scared, mommy. I don't want to be here anymore," I whimper, tears starting to appear in my eyes as well.

She takes me into her arms and leans against a nearby wall, swaying me back and forth like a baby. Even though she's probably in much more pain than me, she still manages to hold me in her arms, careful not to disturb the aches and pains littered over my tiny body.

"I'm so sorry, my little star. I wish we could leave and get a better life but it's dangerous out there and I fear I would be unable to protect you. I can't even protect you now."

Mommy begins to cry again, her body shaking wildly as her sobs echoed around us. It broke my heart when mommy cried. She was the only person to give me hope in these dark times. I hug her tightly, begging her to stop crying. It's not her fault we're suffering, it's mine. If I were never born, then mommy would be able to runaway without worrying about protecting me.

"Just get rid of me, mommy. Then you can runaway and be happy," I cry, unable to think of another way to make her life better.

"No! I will never get rid of you! You are my little star and I will never be happy again if I can't have you with me!"

I burst out with loud sobs as I cling to mommy's soiled white dress, like she'll disappear if I loosen my grip.

Soon, I see her smile softly at me as she stokes my black hair - that resembles her own - and begins to softly sing,"I had no choice but to hear you. You stated your case time and again. I thought about it. You treat me like I'm a princess. I'm not used to liking that. You ask how my day was. You've already won me over in spite of me. And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet. And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are. I couldn't help it. It's all your fault."

She continues to sing the song and the man in this song sounds like a really nice guy. I hope and pray that the moon goddess will give me a mate just like him.


"I'm such a fool," I say out loud to myself.

How could I ever believe that my mate would be so perfect when my twenty-four years of life has been nothing but a curse? Why did I ever believe that Cal would change? I finally get up and put myself into a seating position. I almost wish I could lose my eyesight when I notice where I have ended up. The lake where Cal took me and where I eventually pushed him into.

I just want to cry even more until I hear soft footsteps coming up behind me. I think it might be one of the boys coming to comfort me but then I catch a whiff of the person's scent. It's a mixture of cologne with earthy undertones. I turn around to see Cal standing right behind me. He doesn't say anything. I don't say anything. We only stare at each other for what seems like forever.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Hey, guys. I hope you enjoyed this special chapter dedicated to all my readers who have supported this book.

And, in case you were wondering, the song that they were singing is called Head Over Feet by Alanis Morissette.

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