
I'm about to leave when a rustle outside catches my attention. It's strange because animals stay far away from werewolves and no trees are planted right next to the house. I take a cautious look outside from the kitchen window and my eyes widen at what I am seeing. There are many men surrounding the pack house carrying major weaponry - handguns and knives - but what concerns me most is what I smell. I smell silver and heavy doses of concentrated wolfsbane.

Oh no, they're hunters!

I look around in the dark, allowing my hands to feel all over the walls until I find the button that sounds an alarm to alert the pack of danger. I don't hesitate for a second as I swiftly press the button and a blaring noise sounds around the house and I rush towards the bottom of the stairs where everyone is gathering. Once everyone is gathered, Cal begins to speak.

"Who sounded the alarm?"

Everyone looks around to try and figure out who did it.

"It was me," I speak up, grabbing everyone's attention,"There are hunters outside and they're surrounding the house."

Cal takes a minute to process what I've said before nodding in understanding,"Men, follow me outside to fight. Julie, take the women, children and Luna to the safe room."

Julie nods as the men go out to battle while she and I round up all the women and children; leading them towards the safe room. We make sure all of them enter and as Julie enters she turns her concerned gaze to me.

"Come along, Luna. Get inside," she politely commands.

"No, you go in and keep them calm. I'll stay out here and guard the room. If any hunters make it past the men and inside the house, the first place they are to look for will be the safe room. I'm the Luna and it is my job to protect the pack when the Alpha is unable to. Please, just keep them calm and let me worry about protecting them."

I can see that Julie wants to protest but she can't disobey my orders. So, with a heavy sigh, she enters the safe room and locks the door behind her.

"You are either very brave or very suicidal," Gale states worriedly.

"I'm brave because I gave up being suicidal a long time ago," I chirp, trying to make light of the situation.

"That's not funny."


As I stand guard, two hunters appear from around the corner and I get into a defensive position. They stop a few feet away from me and one smirks in an arrogant way.

"Only one guard? This will be easy," he sniggers.

"Don't get cocky," I tease.

He instantly glares at me as he takes out a knife and charges at me. I'm able to dodge the first blow but not the second. He stabs me in the shoulder and it begins to burn like scalding water.

Fuck, silver!

I screech in pain but quickly regain myself as I pull the knife out and stab it into his leg. He yells out in agony as he falls to his knees and I take the moment to pull out the knife and plunge it into his neck. He makes awful gurgling sounds before falling limp to the floor.

His partner is completely frozen in shock before he exclaims,"Lyle! You bitch, you killed him!"

"He was trying to kill me so consider it self-defence, you hypocritical asshole!"

He glares viciously at me as he pulls out a gun and shoots me in my left knee cap. My eyes widen as I let out a scream before falling onto the floor. Not only does it burn because of it has silver coating but it hurts so much. Being shot in the knee cap is not a pleasant experience.

The hunter walks closer to me until we're only a few inches apart and points the gun to my head. "Ready to die?" he questions in a joyful tone, a sickening smirk plastered to his lips.

I glare at him as I pick up the knife in a stealthy way and stand up despite the pain. He still keeps the gun pointed at me.


I then lunge at him and also stab him in the neck. Unfortunately, he shot me before the knife was plunged into him and a bullet lands in my arm - the one that isn't injured. His lifeless body falls to the floor while I wince in agony before falling down myself. I manage to get myself in a sitting position as I pull the knife out of him, take his gun and lean against the wall. My body is in pain and I feel weak but I can't rest until I know the pack is safe. I pull the bullet out of my arm and throw it to the side. I don't even attempt to take out the one lodged in my knee cap. It will be too difficult with just my fingers and not to mention agonisingly painful so I'll leave it where it is.

Footsteps alert me and I pick up the gun, pointing it forward, ready for a fight. I'm relieved when I see the male pack members and I put the gun down but I am shocked when I see Cal rushing towards me.


I am utterly shocked when I see Raven. She is covered in blood and her expression held nothing but pain. I rush towards her with a worried expression as she looks at me with surprise.

"What happened?" I question with worry.

"Do you not notice the two dead bodies on the floor? I fucking killed them but they fought back. I've been stabbed and shot twice. There is still a bullet lodged in my knee cap and it fucking hurts! That's what happened!"

I notice the pain in her voice that overthrows the anger that she is currently displaying. She fought for my pack and even got hurt in the process. She is so. . .

"Amazing. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce. Sexy-"

"Brave! I was going to say brave."

I see her wince in pain and immediately pick her up in a bridal manner and rush towards the pack doctor. She looks up at me in awe and I've never seen a more beautiful expression on her. It captivates me for a moment and I'm mesmerized by it.

"You know," Clyde blurts,"this just proves that you love-"

"Stop talking right now. This proves nothing. I'm just mesmerized by the fact that she looks nothing like herself."

I look down at her and begin to panic when her eyes close and she passes out in my arms. At this point, I find myself running faster towards the hospital wing of the pack house. She becomes dreadfully pale and her breathing is very shallow. It makes me worried that I might lose her.

Please don't die on me, Raven.

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