"But what am I supposed to do? They're not here to scare us, okay? They're here to kill Lydia."

Stiles paced a little bit, dragging a hand down his face as he turned to Stephanie. "I got an idea." Stephanie stood, walking towards the windows beside him as he continued. "Just blast one of them like you did with Will's pencil case."

"Are you serious?" Steph whisper yelled at him. "We told Scott we can protect ourselves. So let's do it. Or at least, give it a shot, right?" Stephanie looked at him and sighed, slowly nodding her head. "Okay."

Will let out a hum, looking out the window. "So which one of the three is Steph getting?" Stiles and Stephanie's brows furrowed. "You mean four? Derek, Isaac, Erica and Boyd." Stephanie asked and Will shook his head no. "No. I mean three. Derek, Erica and Boyd."

"Where the hell's Isaac?" Stephanie asked when suddenly, Will was ripped away from the group and thrown into the wall, instantly knocking him out. Allison lifted up her crossbow but Isaac easily pushed her away towards the stairs. Allison looked around, her eyes meeting Stephanie who nudged her head towards Scott's room as if to say protect Lydia and Allison nodded, running up the stairs.

Before Stephanie could protect Stiles, the Stilinski boy went charging at Isaac and the beta was quick to do the same thing he had done to Will, throwing him into the wall like he did Will, making Stiles groan, holding onto his head.

Isaac turned to Stephanie who stood a few feet in front of the stairway. He marched his way towards her as Stephanie slowly started to back up, trying to concentrate on her powers like she did in the hallway with Stiles and Will but she didn't realize how close she was to the stairs until half of her foot made it up the first step but she wasn't ready for it and started falling. Isaac jumped to Stephanie, wrapping his arms around her waist so she wouldn't fall but he leaned so far forward to catch her, he started falling too.

Stephanie hit the ground with a bang, Isaac falling on top of her. Stephanie groaned, her head feeling on fire from its blow to the ground.

"You know, this really isn't how I expected my night to go." Stephanie groaned at the pain shooting through her back and ribs. Isaac smirked from above her, resting his elbows by Stephanie's head to keep himself up, their noses practically touching from the short distance. "Which part? Me on top of you or me trying to kill your friend?"

Stephanie let out a small breathy laugh. "Definitely you on top of me." Isaac laughed, making Stephanie laugh along. After a few moments, their laughs died down and the two finally realized their close proximity. Stephanie felt her stomach do flips with nerves. The boy she liked on top of her but she knew she had to save Lydia.

As Isaac stared into her brown eyes, they quickly turned purple, catching him off guard and in one quick movement, Stephanie pushed her hand against Isaac's chest, sending him flying off of her and at the wall the unconscious Will and a barely conscious Stiles slumped against.

Stephanie heard someone walk in through the back door and Scott immediately ran into the room Stephanie was in, his eyes scanning over the scene before they landed on Steph who's eyes were slowly going back to brown. Scott nodded at her. "Nice." Stephanie nodded back as Allison came to the top of the stairs and Stiles started to get up. "I got Erica."

Scott went upstairs to grab Erica as Stephanie closed her eyes, facing where Will and Isaac were. She put her arm out and imagined her powers lifting up Isaac and suddenly, she felt a tingle in her finger tips.

"Woah. Steph, open your eyes." Stiles muttered and Stephanie slowly opened her eyes and watched as the unconscious Isaac floated in the air, wrapped in a purple glow. Stephanie let out a shocked laugh at her powers as Scott came down the stairs carrying Erica, he and Allison's eyes going wide at Stephanie. Stiles ran for the door, opening it for his friends so they could both throw Derek's beta's out. Stephanie slowly dropped Isaac into the grass as Scott threw the paralyzed Erica beside him.

Stephanie looked up at Derek and Boyd who were a few feet in front of them, Derek smirking at Stephanie. "I see the kanay is learning." Stephanie glared at him as he turned to Scott.

"I think I'm finally getting why you keep refusing me, Scott. You're not an omega. You're already an alpha of your own pack. But you know you can't beat me." Derek smiled out, making Scott growl under his breath. "But I can hold you off until the cops get here."

Derek's smile dropped as sirens rang in the distance. From above her, Stephanie heard an all too familiar hiss, making her, Stiles, Scott and Allison run down the front porch and look at the roof. The kanima stood on Scott's roof, hissing at the group before running away.

Suddenly, two pairs of footsteps went running out of the house. A terrified Lydia and a dizzy Will walked out of the house. "Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on?" Lydia cried and Steph's eyes went huge as she looked at where the kanima was last. "It's Jackson."


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